When I was little and up until about a month ago, I used to wonder what it would be like to go to college. I would think about how cool it would be to live on your own, or what the classes would be like. Now that I'm here I realise that it is not quiet what I expected, but I'm acclimating... So, for those of you who didn't have the joy of attending BYU, or are yet to go to college, let me tell you what an average good day is like:
8:00-Wake up! Yes, this is right, I get to sleep until at least 8 three days a week. On those days I don't have class until 10:00 and I absolutely love it!
9:45-Start the hike up "Hinckley Hill" to get up to campus for classes
10:00-Chemistry: learn the basics about molecules, atoms, and radioactivity all while wondering how much of this I'm really going to need to remember... hmm...
11:00-American Heritage: Learn the role providence played in the founding of America all while boys in the row behind me make funny comments and pass up love notes to me (yes, this really happened, it was hilarious! And on a completely unrelated note, this is my favorite class!)
11:50-Start sprinting in order to make it across campus in time for my next class, literally run into a few people while trying to make it...sorry..
12:00-Sing! Well we don't just sing, we talk, compare, and learn but more than anything we just sing, which I might add, is really weird to do in only 50 minutes, and without certain people I grew used to singing with
1:00-Lunch with Rachelle, usually in the Cougar Eats, but also in the MoA, the Museum of Art. They have this little cafe on the upper level that has such good sandwiches and salads, oh and its like impossible to go there without eating dessert! They are just so good!
1:30-Head back to the dorm, take a little break from school and mess around on Facebook
2:00-6:00-Usually various activities are done during this time, such as homework, going to the gym, taking a nap, going somewhere in my car just to remind myself that I am not stuck here, reading my scriptures, and chatting with friends
6:00-Average dinner time... Off to the brand new Cannon Center for a dinner full of various selections. For about the first two weeks I loved this place! Its still OK, and I know it could be a LOT worse, but its getting old pretty fast... Um, can I come home for Sunday dinner?
6:30-11:30-What I do with this block of time also varies, on Mondays its off to FHE where I serve my calling as our FHE's group "mom", on Tuesdays there is Ward Prayer, Sundays and Wednesdays visiting hours, other nights I go to the library to study, go hang out with other friends, have Disney movie night with the girls across the hall, do even more homework, head to some event on campus, go to a required movie for class, go shopping at the Creamery or just hang out with my friends.
11:30-I usually try to be in bed by now, if there is one thing I take very seriously here at BYU its that I get plenty of sleep...
So thats my average day. It changes depending on the classes, or the amount of homework, but its nice that I'm getting into some kind of a routine. I'll get the hang of this college thing soon enough!
8:00-Wake up! Yes, this is right, I get to sleep until at least 8 three days a week. On those days I don't have class until 10:00 and I absolutely love it!
9:45-Start the hike up "Hinckley Hill" to get up to campus for classes
10:00-Chemistry: learn the basics about molecules, atoms, and radioactivity all while wondering how much of this I'm really going to need to remember... hmm...
11:00-American Heritage: Learn the role providence played in the founding of America all while boys in the row behind me make funny comments and pass up love notes to me (yes, this really happened, it was hilarious! And on a completely unrelated note, this is my favorite class!)
11:50-Start sprinting in order to make it across campus in time for my next class, literally run into a few people while trying to make it...sorry..
12:00-Sing! Well we don't just sing, we talk, compare, and learn but more than anything we just sing, which I might add, is really weird to do in only 50 minutes, and without certain people I grew used to singing with
1:00-Lunch with Rachelle, usually in the Cougar Eats, but also in the MoA, the Museum of Art. They have this little cafe on the upper level that has such good sandwiches and salads, oh and its like impossible to go there without eating dessert! They are just so good!
1:30-Head back to the dorm, take a little break from school and mess around on Facebook
2:00-6:00-Usually various activities are done during this time, such as homework, going to the gym, taking a nap, going somewhere in my car just to remind myself that I am not stuck here, reading my scriptures, and chatting with friends
6:00-Average dinner time... Off to the brand new Cannon Center for a dinner full of various selections. For about the first two weeks I loved this place! Its still OK, and I know it could be a LOT worse, but its getting old pretty fast... Um, can I come home for Sunday dinner?
6:30-11:30-What I do with this block of time also varies, on Mondays its off to FHE where I serve my calling as our FHE's group "mom", on Tuesdays there is Ward Prayer, Sundays and Wednesdays visiting hours, other nights I go to the library to study, go hang out with other friends, have Disney movie night with the girls across the hall, do even more homework, head to some event on campus, go to a required movie for class, go shopping at the Creamery or just hang out with my friends.
11:30-I usually try to be in bed by now, if there is one thing I take very seriously here at BYU its that I get plenty of sleep...
So thats my average day. It changes depending on the classes, or the amount of homework, but its nice that I'm getting into some kind of a routine. I'll get the hang of this college thing soon enough!