Rachelle and I being Robin O'Negative

This week has been absolutely crazy....
~Pops, my grandpa, was in the hospital after another seizure and fall. He damaged his spinal cord and had to have surgery. This was such an emotional experience for all of us. It was very scary, the unknown always is, yet there were some positive things that came from it. I was able to spend the entire day with my mom, I got to see Pops a lot, and we were all reminded that when you love someone its important that you let them know. He is now recovering, and although he is in a lot of pain, he made the right decision to have the surgery, and as everything in life, he is in the Lords hands.
~I realised this week that I love having a roommate. I haven't shared a room with anyone for a long time so I was worried that I would have a hard time with that when I lived here, but I have loved it. Wednesday night Rachelle and I were up till three, just laying in bed talking. Its so nice to have someone you can trust and who loves you for being you to be with here! So Rachelle-thanks for listening, for not being angry, for giggling with me, and for just listening! Who knew talking about boys could be quiet so fun!
~My mom and dad came down to Provo this weekend. It was BYU's official parents weekend, but we kind of did our own thing, which I liked much better. Friday they came and we went to lunch, walked around campus, went shopping!!! and went and had a delicious dinner. I really loved spending time with just them. We are all so busy, and life is so crazy, but it was good to just hang out with them for a while. On Saturday they came back down and we went to the football game. It was so much fun! They are such awesome parents and lately I've really realised how lucky I am to have the parents I have, and how lucky I am to live so close to them.
~Denny's, 12:00-2:30 AM, a car full of people, "do you want to take a picture with me? do you want to kiss my cheek in the picture?", french toast, forgotten <3>
~Last night some girls and guys in my ward and I all had this little dinner murder mystery party. It was so much fun getting to know them all better, and trying to figure out who the vampire was! I originally wasn't going to be able to come, but decided to come. There were only so many characters though so Rachelle and I just decided to combine and come as the same character, Robin O'Positive. It was a blast and I'm so glad I went!
~A few more random things: A picture scavenger hunt for FHE, a phone call that changed a lot, shopping for a "cozy sweatsuit" with Karissa, class, visting teaching for the first real time, studying, and flowering my walls!
What a week! So much has happened! This week taught me a lot, but mostly I learned that even when things don't turn out like you want or hope things can still be GREAT. I'm learning that in the end, we get whats best for us, even if its not necessarily what we want, and that what we end up with might be even better than we even dreamed of...