It was a night like any other. And by a night like any other I mean since I've moved home. And by night I mean evening because despite it being 8:00 we had still not eaten dinner. And by not eating dinner yet I mean that our favorite take out Italian was not ready yet. And by not ready yet I mean... Ok so it was not necessarily a night like any other but it was a night at home. My dad and I sat with two computers passing the time by exploring youtube. Anyways after listening to our new favorite singer and finding out what Taylor the Latte Boy really thinks I moved on to some Facebook stalking. As Dad and I were talking this whole time I realized a shocking thing...that my dad has (duh duh duh)..... a DEEP DARK SECRET!!!! Thats right people, a DEEP DARK SECRET! I didn't even think Dad's could have secrets! Ok well the secret really was just some little thing he knew I would tease him about(very true)! Still though I was in shock that my Dad even had a DEEP DARK SECRET! Then I got to thinking though, don't we all have DEEP DARK SECRETS?(don't you think the capitalization really adds to the excitement?) And wouldn't life be so boring if we didn't? After all if no one had secrets there would be nothing to discover about each other! Secrets add excitement and intrigue! And allow for us all to keep learning a little more about each other! So, although there are definitely things that should NOT be a secret, I've started to embrace DEEP DARK SECRETS! And can I just tell you how darn mysterious it's made me feel?!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Has It Really Been A Month Since I Last Posted?
A month? Really? Wow time flies when your having fun, or um.. studying for finals... yea right! Anyways these have been the happenings in my life the last little bit:
Easter weekend with Abbie:
My parents and Meg all went to California Easter weekend for choir tour, leaving me and Abbie here in the cold! We managed to have lots of fun though! Highlights of the week include introducing Abbie to J Dawgs, going to the Hannah Montana movie(twice!), eating dinner at Aunt Debbie's(also twice! She is amazing), having a big kid Easter egg hunt with the cousin.s, cosmic bowling, going to Color Me Mine, visiting Grandma, learning about bubble gum pop in my music 101 class, buying $ store gifts for each other and watching Friends while playing Skip Bo!
Easter weekend with Abbie:
My parents and Meg all went to California Easter weekend for choir tour, leaving me and Abbie here in the cold! We managed to have lots of fun though! Highlights of the week include introducing Abbie to J Dawgs, going to the Hannah Montana movie(twice!), eating dinner at Aunt Debbie's(also twice! She is amazing), having a big kid Easter egg hunt with the cousin.s, cosmic bowling, going to Color Me Mine, visiting Grandma, learning about bubble gum pop in my music 101 class, buying $ store gifts for each other and watching Friends while playing Skip Bo!
Well finals came, and much to my disbelief, went! There is such relief that comes with the end of finals! And so it is that I finished my first year at BYU. It was a very long one(and not just because they don't sell Diet Coke on campus) but I learned a lot and made many good friends! I loved this first year and I'm so grateful for all the opportunities it provided me with!
I'm official moved home for the Summer now! The plan is to live here with my family and find a job(hopefully real soon) and work a lot! It's good to be back home where a big smile a few kind words gets you Cafe Rio and movie tickets paid for by the parentals! More than anything though I love being with my family so much. My mom keeps telling me that I'll be more than excited to head back to BYU in the fall but for now I'm just enjoying where I'm at. Dorthy got it right-there really is no place like home! Now if I could just get a cute pair of red flats and an adorable puppy...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Weekend Getaway...
WELL-Pretty much my friends are awesome. Not only are they hilarious, put up with my crazy loud laughter no matter the time of day(or night), and often have brilliant ideas(well at least some of them...) they also have very strong testimonies of the gospel, and are great influences to me of how to live my life. So because they are so awesome when they first invited me to come with them for a weekend to go to the Manti and St. George temples I knew it was going to be a trip I'd never forget... And I was not disappointed
We left Friday afternoon and drove to Manti. There we ate dinner in the temple cafeteria before doing baptisms and confirmations. It was such a beautiful experience and I loved being able to share that spiritual time with these friends. After finishing there we drove to St. George, well we drove until about 5 miles out of St. George, turned around and drove back to Ceder City, and then turned around and drove back(long story..) That was only the beginning of our night though.. We were up late watching the boys sumo wrestle, joke about the Boston Couch Part, and listening to them giggle. Eventually they quieted down enough and we fell asleep.
Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to get to the St. George temple. Actually our alarms didn't go off and had it not been for Ryan we probably wouldn't have made it. On my way into the temple I tripped, on a curb, and broke my favorite pair of bright pink high heels. It was tragic, but their is no rest for the righteous and we kept on running into the temple. We had another amazing experience there that morning serving these people who did not have the opportunity to do these ordinances in their lifetime. The spirit was so strong, and I loved being there.
After going to the temple we went to breakfast, ran to home depot, took the boys to a buffet, went shopping, took naps and went swimming! We all had so much fun just hanging out together, and laughing nonstop! Highlights of the afternoon were playing volleyball in the pool, Stacie having a 'bagel' at McDonald's, and watching the skinny beautiful girls at the pool when Mitch started acting like a whale... good times
After a fun afternoon at the pool we came back, showered and went out to dinner. We chose Iggy's so we could all watch some March Madness (Great idea Stacie!) and as an added bonus enjoyed some great buns made by a wonderful baker! After that, and a quick picture stop with a tumble weed that is bigger than an elephant in the wild, wild west, it was off to Fiesta Fun to race in the go-karts! Later we went to target, got frozen custard, and played the marshmallow game! It was such a fun night!
Sunday morning we slept in-which was very much needed! After waking up we went to Sacrament meeting, cleaned up the van and the condo, went to In-N-Out Burger and headed back to snow in Provo.
I had so much fun with my friends! More than it was fun though it was such a neat experience to go to these temples and feel the spirit so strongly! Thanks to my friends for inviting me, and making it so fun! I can't wait to go back again sometime soon hopefully!
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