It all began with Adam, if we want to get Biblical(it is the Sabbath after all) or with George Washington and the other forefathers if we want to get Patriotic(Dr. Holland would be so proud) no matter which stance you take it began with a strong, reliable, loving, kind, patient man, and my father is no exception to this description of what a remarkable father is. He is the best in the world(I know you think that your dad is but that is simply not the case-I don't lie) I could go on for hours describing why exactly my dad is the best, but it still wouldn't do justice, so I've compiled a list of ten things I love about my Dad and through this list I'll pay tribute to the man I love the most.
1-He is smart! Not just your average dad kind of smart but really smart. Got a question about your 401k? The best chicken noodle soup recipe? How to change a tire? What exactly the new government policy means? Ask him! He seriously has an answer to everything, and his answers are always given in a way that leaves you glad you asked.
2-Besides being smart he is wise! He knows exactly how morally wrong it is to commit ticket scam in a parking lot, and reminds you of the consequences in a loving way. He knows how to get me to make good decisions, by influencing them in mysterious dad ways. I'd say he is probably the wisest almost 50 year old I know...
3-His laugh when something is really really funny! I love that sound!

4-His sense of adventure. Normally my dad is a pretty structured guy. He goes to the gym at six thirty and always has meetings Tuesday nights, but when we're on vacation or out on a family outing he lets loose and the adventures we have then are my favorite!
5-His patience. I don't know any man in the world who could handle living in a house of girls better than he can. He has seen more chick flicks then any grown man should have to endure, and dealt with more mood swings in an atmosphere than a room of bipolar patients, and if we added up the minutes he has spent waiting for one of us to finally be done primping and getting ready it would probably rival the sands of the sea. And through it all he never complains. That is patience.
6-His vocabulary. From indigenous to grimace and a whole bunch of other words I don't even want to attempt to spell he has improved our communication skills through his large vocabulary!

7-Making cookies with him, especially at Christmas. He puts on his apron, mixes frosting colors, and lets us all let loose. As we use his mother's cookie recipe the joy that comes from seeing traditions passed on is evident in his face.
8-His compassion. When I get my heart broken, he aches too. When I have surgery he hurts as well. When I'm scared he comforts and when I'm sad he uplifts. He is always there for me and my mom and sisters with a compassionate heart.
9-His commitment to Heavenly Father, the gospel and being a good man. He truly knows what is important in life and he makes his choices accordingly. This makes him a great example to not just my family, but all who know him
10-He is just himself. True-he is a human being who occasionally makes mistakes but he learns from all he does and if what he learned helps others he shares that knowledge. Despite being human he has superpowers of knowing when I'm speeding, anticipating my needs and taking care of what he can, and finding happiness in the happiness of his girls. He never tries to be something he is not but embraces the person he is while constantly striving for progression
Dad-I don't know what I'd do or who I would be without your influence and love in my life. Always know that no matter how much I tease you I love you lots. Besides being the best dad you are also one of my very best friends. Happy Fathers Day!