While fb stalking with my roommates tonight I was tracking down pictures of certain people on my computer and I found a ton of old pictures I forgot about and love. And I mean love-a good picture just does that too me. Ya know, I get a little weak in the knees, sometimes shed a few tears, make mental pro and con lists of it's flaws and admirable traits, you get the picture! (no pun intended) So I decided to take you on a little tour of some of the most epic picture moments of my life... so, hold on tight here we go!
Our first picture was taken on the sunny roads of Florida, on a trip where all I did was take bubble baths(while watching tv-the hotel was awesome), drink diet coke at the bar, lay by the pool, and play in Disneyworld with my dad. It was trip for relaxation, and rejuvenation-which is exactly what I did while poor dad was in meetings all day. After a long senior year of high school I needed a little peace before embarking to college, and obviously from the picture, peace is what I found!

Next, I'd like to tell you about another love of mine-FOOTBALL. Well my senior year in high school all hell broke out with the football team. More than half the starters quit and the drama that followed could rival the drama of the drill team on a normal day. With half our starters gone most of the boys that played were freshman. We won 2 games that seasons. The two pictures that follow were taken that season, and each one captures the feelings of the season perfectly-amazing triumph, and difficult circumstances.
Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of going to New York City, seeing plays on Broadway, walking in Central Park, riding the subway, shopping, and drinking a frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity... Last year my family went on vacation there and all of my NYC dreams came true. The next pictures are two of my favorite places in New York. (Also one of the very best family vacations ever. And so needed before I moved away!)
December of last year was one of the hardest months of my entire life. Prayers and family are what got me through, and kept me sane. The picture of the rose makes me remember that beautiful things can come in hard times. The picture of my house reminds me of the importance of friends and the picture of my mom and I on Christmas night reminds me that with my family's support I can accomplish anything.
Graduation: the most epic day ever.. ha ha ha not-it was kinda overrated, but this picture is the most epic of the day, it captures the moment so perfectly! 'Go Big 08'
And finally....
ha ha the girls would kill me, but you have to admit that it's pretty epic.. and it never fails to make me laugh, which is an awesome quality for a picture to have :)