(First, I'd like to point out my acute obsession with "..."... Yea... about that... I'm not really sure... just some of my personality I guess...)
I've been kind of impatient. With myself, with the weird knife-like pain on the right side of my stomach. With my family. With my homework. With drivers on the freeway (Ok-he was going 40 on I-15, I'm slightly justified, am I not?) With Dr.s who can't give me answers. With the kids that never stop talking in Sunday School. With waiting. With not knowing. With everything.
The other day, when the pain was really bad my roommates got my FHE (don't say "F" "H" "E", it's much more fun to sound it out, so it kind of sounds like "f-he", with a little emphasis on the E) to give me a blessing. He was literally pulled out of a party (a juice-pong party to be exact-only in Provo) and a little flustered. Before he began he paused. I sat in the chair, more than ready for the peace, and healing a blessing from the lord can bring. But he wasn't, he paused and waited. He took a moment to draw himself close to the Lord and for that I am grateful. It taught me something.
I need patience in order to come close to the Lord. I need to take the time to draw near, and that requires patience. So my work-in-progress self will try a little harder. Try to be a little more patient with the dr. Try to be a little more patient with those around me. Try to be a little more patient with the weird pain in my stomach. Try to be a little more patient with myself. Be more patient with life, and the Lords plan.
Thanks FHE brother. The blessing helped a lot, and your example helped greatly.
*Photo courtesy of me, glasses courtesy of D&G and my weird blood-shot pupils...