Tonight us girls went and saw Charlie St. Cloud.
We were suppose to get a free ticket because we bought my new Sperry's last week.
But the saleslady was VERY nice and gave us 4 tickets so we could all go together, and we wasted no time.
Anyways, it was one of those movies that left me thinking about it long after the credits rolled.
It was truly my kind of beautiful...
Where everyone is dressed like they walked straight out of the j. crew catalogue.
And the cemetery is the main setting.
And death is happy.
And the north west coast paints a setting so picturesque that no one can look at it and believe there is not a God.
Yes, those are my kinds of beauty. And while I have a lot of feelings about some of the subjects addressed in the movie: letting go, death, individual purposes of life I just want to share with you 2 things this movie made me decide:
1-I will learn to sail sometime in my life. It's made the bucket list.
2-I will live in the Northwest for awhile. Seattle has been one of my top 5 favorite places since I first saw it so this is not so surprising.
Oh and a bonus- a life lesson:
From now on I will not wear mascara to movies. :)
(If you've see this movie let me know what you think.)