So here we go:
A big shout out to my
Megan Annie for finishing up her finals, and her first year at SLCC.
Megs, I know Snow wasn't somewhere that made you happy, and I'm so glad you were brave enough to embrace change and find something that did make you happy. Way to go girl!
A shout out to Abbie as she preps so diligently for her AP tests.
With sass like that how could she not rock her tests? |
Abs-soon it will all be over, and in a month you graduate.
What?!?! Who told you it was ok for you to grow up? Not me. Just get through these awful tests and then enjoy what you have left!
Next up to one of my dearest friends in the world,
Stacie. She graduates from the University of Utah today!! That is right, she is
graduating from college today.
I am so proud of you Stace, and all you've accomplished during your college career! Enjoy celebrating this weekend, and make some time soon to celebrate with me!
And finally a shout out to my lovely
mother for always being brave, and strong, and happy and for remembering that chocolate and diet coke can cure anything!
Case in point-the diet coke makes everything great! |
I can't wait to see you tomorrow, and I'll be thinking about you lots today.
Once again I have to say I have the greatest people in my life. Thanks for being so good to me.