Sunday, June 17, 2012

Every Little Girl Needs a Dad...

Every little girl needs a dad. If they didn't have one, who would teach them to love football?

If little girls didn't have dad who would teach them to read, or the importance of keeping up on current events?

Who would teach them how to ride their bikes, or play sports.
And everyone knows that Dads are the ones who are best at dropping little girls off at school. The smell of Polo green slightly enveloping them in a goodbye hug.
Without a Dad who would baptize the sweet little girls? Who would teach them about the temple and about Jesus.

As little girls grow up having a dad is even more important. Everyone knows that Dads are the ones to blame for everything!
Who would teach the growing girls how to spin the tea cups really fast at Disneyland, if not a dad?
And who would tell the growing girls how beautiful they looked as they got ready for their first dates?
Dads are also key in solving all of the growing girls practical problems, like changing oil in a car, computers that break down, and budgeting. Or when things get completely ruined.
And when it comes time for the growing girl to grow up who would be there to be proud of her if she didn't have a dad? Who would congratulate her, and hug her, and beam with pride?

When that growing girl becomes a young woman, and moves out on her own who would help her move, if not a Dad? And who would smile and nod even though he doesn't understand why the young woman has quite so many shoes to be moved? Only her dad.

Who would drop her off at college, after giving her a priesthood blessing, and with tears in his eyes hug her and say goodbye?

Every young woman knows that without a dad she would be completely lost when it comes to taxes. Or Internet. Or politics. Good thing a dad can help her navigate this growing up thing.

And who else would encourage a young woman to take risks and be adventurous if not for her dad?

Who would the young woman call when life gets hard, and she is down on her luck if she didn't have a dad?

Who would step out of meetings to take phone calls from the young woman when she is sad, and thousands of miles away? And who would lovingly tell her that it will all be ok. Just a dad.

Oh and don't dad's give the best hugs? They sure do.

Pretty soon that little girl is no longer a little girl or even a young woman. Pretty soon she becomes a woman. A woman who will and someday fall in love with a man. How would the woman know what to look for in a man if she didn't have a dad to show her what a good guy looks like?

Yes she will someday fall in love, with a man who is hopefully very much like her dad.

And when that time comes, who would be more happy for the woman then her dad? Who would shed a little tear? Who would be more supportive?

But oh, just because the woman marries a wonderful man doesn't mean she loves or needs her dad any less.. In many ways she needs him more. Who would help this new man feel welcome in the family if not a Dad?

Who would the man turn to when he is perplexed by the emotions of the woman, or confused by the desire the woman has to shop? Only her Dad would understand.

And someday when the woman grows even more she'll have children of her own. And who would be there to help hold the new baby if not her Dad? Who would stand by the woman's husband, and place his hand on his should as he gave that new baby a name? Only a dad could help with this.

And as the years go by and the woman's kids get a little older who would be there to tell her that she is doing just fine as a mother, if not her dad? Who would love her children, her husband and her unconditionally?

And who-no matter what-will refer to the woman as his "little girl" even when she doesn't feel little, or young. Only a dad.

Only a dad can have a "little girl" forever.

Happy Fathers Day. I love you Dad!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


A good family. A home that's not too far. A wonderful apartment. Great roommates. A cozy bed. A car that gets me where I want to be. A bike that gets me where I need to be. Fantastic friends. My phone to contact them. Beautiful green trees. The sunshine. Stellar neighbors. Nice notes. A job that provides so much more than income. The stars in the sky. My health. Two legs that carry me even when I think I'm done. A laugh that shares with the world my happiness. Lazy afternoons. Road trips. Fresh fruit. Green vegetables. A computer to write at. The occasional chocolate treat. Friends to laugh with. Eyes that see it all. Scriptures to devour. Answers. Beautiful music. Night drives with the sunroof down. The experiences that have taught me so much. An amazing ward. Wonderful books. Inspired leaders. Truth. Prayers.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Tuesday June 5th at 6:00pm Abbie became a high school graduate.
I can't believe how grown up she is.
I'm so proud of her and all that she has accomplished. I feel like graduating high school is the ending of childhood, and the beginning of figuring out how to be this thing called a "grown up", and I'm so excited to see the wonderful "grown up" that she becomes.

I don't think I've ever seen this man so excited...


I love you dearly, and could not be more proud of you. High school was great for you, but more importantly you became great from it. It didn't give you everything you wanted, but it taught you how to find joy in everything. It gave you great friends, good experiences, some education, a sense of belonging, and a place to learn.

When I look back on high school I don't remember the tests, classes or even some of the material I learned, but I remember vividly the dances, the conversations between classes in the halls, where my locker was, who I sat in classes with, where I laughed and cried, and the experiences that helped me realize who I really was. I know it will be the same with you. So always remember what you've learned. Not necessarily what you were taught by the teachers, but what you were taught by life.

I love you.
PS-Becoming a grown up-as scary as it sounds-is also pretty great. I know you'll love it.
Now-as much as I love Abbie, graduations are never fun. Here is how I passed the time...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Who Needs Electricity?

Not us.

Last Tuesday around 5:30 my roommate and I were just sitting around the house-doing laundry, eating dinner,etc. when the power went out. Well we didn't think too much about it because there have been a few renovations happening in our complex (don't get me started on all the awkward encounters I've had with the painters).

However an hour later we realized that the other apartments all had power. It was just us that were in the dark.

We called Provo City Utilities, and found out that the girl who had lived in the apartment a year and a half ago called and said that no one lived in the apartment. So they shut it off. And told us that they couldn't help us out until normal business hours the next day.

So we did what any logical 22 year olds would do. Connected five extension cords together to supply us with a little power from the apartment next door, cleared the fridge, built a blanket fort, lit some candles, rented a scary movie and finished off the popsicles.
The next morning when we called they told us about the huge fee that is placed upon you when you try to turn your power on the same day that you set up an account. And since we're brave and poor (mostly the second one) we decided to continue to live in the dark for an extra day.

By Thursday around 5:00 pm we had power again.

Power and the memories of that "one time the power got shut off, and  we were too poor to turn it on right away... so we built a fort".

Oh college life.