Friday, August 17, 2012

My Happy Little Diet Coke Loving Heart

Remember how I mentioned these awesome 30 second birthday parties Diet Coke was giving out to some of their fans? Well I entered a twitter competition to celebrate with them, thinking nothing of it really. However, that afternoon I received the following direct twitter message:

That's right-they wanted to celebrate with me! I was so excited that I could hardly contain it.
 After responding I decided to look a little closer at what exactly a 30 second party entailed, and I stumbled upon some very disappointing fine print. In order to win you must live within certain zip codes in New York City.

I was crushed and immediately took to begging those in my life to help me throw a 30 second party. Days went by and I'd given up on the idea of winning anything.
So you can only imagine my surprise when I went down to get the mail last Thursday and found this:

I could hardly believe it-I mean who gets mail from Diet Coke? I quickly ran up to my friends apartment so I had someone to open it with. Brittney put it best when she said "I feel like you're opening a mission call."
So apparently my mission is Diet Coke.

And if that is the case I obviously accept! Look what they sent:
"Hey Nicole,
Thanks for celebrating our 30th birthday with us! We loved your tweet about Diet Coke being 'liquid joy'.
As a token of our appreciation, we wanted to send you a month's supply of Diet Coke. We hope you enjoy it!
Stay Extraordinary,
The Diet Coke Team"

And although I could argue that 24 cans of Diet Coke is hardly a months supply (not even one a day) I was excited and happy beyond compare. I may or may not have carried the letter in my purse for a week so I could show everyone I love.

And I can't even tell you how excited I feel drinking my "free" diet coke. I swear it tastes better.

So-THANK YOU Diet Coke. I can't believe that a huge international company like this would respond with a handwritten letter in such a kind way.

You have a fan for life.

Ok, ok I was already a fan for life-but the free Diet Coke and letter sure helped seal the deal.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 Things Making Me Terribly Happy

1-The parade of homes with my mom and sisters
2-232 is back, and ready to do what they want this Fall.
   Which may or may not include hanging out with me until 2:00am.
3-Afternoon naps
4-The green dress-easily my best purchase of the summer.
5-The Olympics. Really it's ridiculous how happy these make me.
6-Humans of New York. These photos are stunning. (this one is my favorite)
7-Bob Costas. I get this patriotic feeling from hearing his voice.
8-Purchasing my All-Sports pass-football will be here before we know it!
9-That this girl is back!
   And in true Ash fashion she arrived with a Diet Coke for me.
10-Tonight this is happening with my favorite people.

I'm one happy, happy, happy girl.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

On My Mind.

Print from here

But especially these days when all I do is sit on the couch and watch the Olympics. I've missed London for quite some time but I've found that seeing it everyday from thousands of miles away has only made it worse. I now long for it.

Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago that I was living there enjoying the city, listening to Ben chime, talking walks around, seeing the country, and living on Palace Court.

To remind myself that it really did happen, and to soothe my longing heart I've been pulling out my old journals, and blog posts, as well as some pictures.

Here are a few of my pictures that have gotten me through, reminded me that London was not just a dream, and motivate me to get back there as soon as possible.