Saturday, October 27, 2012

Four Autumns.

By very definition Autumn is  a time of dying. Each year we watch the gradual transition as the once deep green leaves, the leaves that were born of the Spring, housed chirping birds, provided much needed shade through the hot months of summer; we watch as they gradually change.


And fall.

Isn't it amazing though that without question we as a society all acknowledge that the most beautiful time during the entire life of these leaves is right before the fall-when in an almost defiant final act they burst forth in a vibrant array of color. As if their last act is to say-"I will not go quietly."

They get to do it their own way-the most beautiful way possible.

For me Autumn will always be associated with the change that dying brings. With the beauty that comes from doing it your own way. I fully believe that although the God of all orchestrates when each living thing is to die, the leaves just one example, by accepting his timing, death can become a bright, beautiful spectacle of color.

It's as if his gift to you for the good life lived, and for accepting all he gave is to become a result of the Autumn, a bright red leaf.

And so I love Autumn. I love it for its smells, tastes, colors and temperature. I love it for it's cozy welcoming, and for all that it prepares us for. I love it for all it's taught me, and for all it gives me. But mostly I love Autumn for its beauty.

To me Autumn is the beauty before the fall.


To the old man who falls no more, I still miss you every day. Thanks for teaching me to accept all we're given. You'll always be Autumn to me.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recent Discoveries

*This blog.

*This speech.

Not only does he have great hair, good experience in job creation, a winning smile, charm and the true gospel... but we can now add "wit" to the list.

And lets face it-witty words more than anything else are the way to my heart. Enjoy.

*This packing list-so helpful. It makes me want to pack up my stuff and head on an adventure.

*My newly inherited iPhone has a much prettier screen then my previous white one. However it came with a nice thick manly case to match its previous user. Upon using it today though I made a shocking discovery. If you hold it up to your face in just the right way you can still smell the Polo cologne that it's previous owner uses every. single. day.

And suddenly I'm not too keen to buy a prettier case. I'm nothing if not nostalgic.

*These prints would look fabulous in my room. Or anywhere for that matter.

*This song. One of my favorites on her new album.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Too soon?

Is it too early for me to be playing this video on repeat?

Two of my favorite people. One of my favorite holidays. And a tiara.

It doesn't get better.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


If college has given me anything, and boy has it given me something, it most certainly is intelligence by this definition:

"The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life."


I'm a wonderer. 

I'm hardly ever "dead sure" about any "damn thing" and usually I feel bad about that.

But to be intelligent. To question. To wonder.

Those are all beautiful things.

So today I vow to embrace the uncertain and enjoy the wondering.

(plus apparently I get to say damn and we know how great quoting swears is)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Love List

This post about bagels. Because I am, in fact, quite the bagel snob.
The best part of this article:
 "Love was finding someone to eat a bagel with."
So true-And speaking of bagels-if you have an Einstein's near your proximity it is imperative for your soul to go there now and get a pumpkin bagel with pumpkin schemer. Don't question just do it.

This coat. Really though I've become obsessed with finding an olive coat ever since I ripped this out of the fall jcrew catalogue and hung it on my wall. It's my fall inspiration:
 At less than half the price though this one is much more likely a reality.

This made me laugh. And we Mormons need to laugh at ourselves a little more.

This is the best purchase I've made in quite awhile. Splurge for the iTunes deluxe version-the extra tracks are more than worth it.

Can we interrupt this post to just say that hey-this has been a good couple months for music! The Imagine Dragons album, the Killers, The Avett Brothers and now Mumford. Good stuff.

These cookies are one my favorites and they are a hit around here. I plan on making plenty this beautiful fall.

This weekend is my very favorite weekend of the entire year. It's Fall General Conference. There is nothing I love more than the crisp fall air, cuddling in my home with good food, family, and the voice of the men I most admire giving me real counsel from a loving Heavenly Father. To prepare I've been reading  a few recent favorites: here, here and here.