Thursday, October 31, 2013


Saturday was one of the most perfect fall days. 
And Nate and I decided we were going to make the very most of it. 
Here is how we did just that:

Free Waffle Love for breakfast

A trip to the petting zoo at the pumpkin patch

Pumpkin picking

Pumpkin carving


Caramel Apple Cider cookie baking

(Ron Swanson and a "boo"-tiful jack-o-lantern)

It was a day that, in looking back upon it, was the very definition of Autumn, 

 and Autumn has always been my favorite.

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."

-Anne of Green Gables

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lately Around Here

A lot has been going on around here lately. A lot, and also not so much.  All of that "a lot" and "not so much" though has added up to a very wonderful, very happy life that I live.

And here are just a few things that make it so very happy and wonderful.

Bridal showers and flowers that live for THREE weeks....

Football games and Farkle... 

Crafts and Conference....

Wedding receptions, corn mazes, and yes-more football....

And all these things-they are making my life pretty wonderfully happy.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Sisters I testify that the Lord has a plan for each of our lives. Nothing that happens is a shock or a surprise to Him. He is all-knowing and all-loving."
-Sister Reeves

These words were some of my favorite spoken at the General Relief Society broadcast this last Saturday night. Just think about this for a moment-----

"nothing that happens is shock or a surprise to Him."

How beautiful,

How happy,

How perfect,

to know that someone much wiser than I has a plan for my life, and for what I can become.

And I can't wait to learn more about that plan this weekend.