I absolutely love being engaged to Nate. There is no other role I've had in my life that I love as much as I love being his fiancee. It's such a happy, fun, wonderful time. I honestly have never been so peacefully happy as I am these days.
However, it's also such a crazy busy time! I knew planning a wedding in three months would be busy-but I don't think I really understood how busy it would be. From catering quotes, to wedding dress alterations, crafternoons, registering, designing invitations, and taking engagement photos-it's been crazy.
But through all the crazy, I have this incredible man holding my hand, calling me, laughing with me-and it makes all the crazy so very worth it.
Because at the end of all this crazy I get the most beautiful beginning-an eternity with my best friend.
Just a little preview of our engagements? I adore them all and can't wait to share more!