May 11, 1993- Mom's 32nd Birthday
Today, May 11th, is not only Mothers Day but my mom's birthday. I love this woman so very much, for too many reasons to count. She is the happiest, most loving woman I know. She is so selfless, giving, and understanding.Throughout the years between the 25 Mothers Day's we've spent together she has taught me so many things. If I could sum up one thing my mother has taught me though it would be this: she taught me how to love.
Through her words, and mostly her example she has taught me about loving friends, strangers, family, my husband, and most importantly my Heavenly Father. Her capacity for love knows no bounds, and all those who know her are blessed by this great ability she has. I feel so lucky to get to call her mom, and to be so loved by her. Being her daughter truly is a privilege.
So thanks mom-for being the perfect mom for me, and for teaching me about Christ-like love. It has blessed my life in so many ways, and I owe that to you. I love you mom, and hope you have a very happy Mothers Day and Birthday! I'm so very glad you're mine!