Last week Nate and I hiked Mount Timpanogos.
Did you read that. We climbed MOUNT TIMPANOGOS.
Everyone who has climbed Timp has an opinion on how to do it-sunrise hike, all day hike, backpack, hurry to the top, take your time, run the whole trail. Nate and I though, decided to do it our own way.
We backpacked.
Yes, I, Nicole Rau, backpacked. That Rau part of my name is really introducing some new things into my life. So, on Wednesday we grabbed our backpacks, and set out. That night we camped at Emerald Lake, and Thursday morning we hiked to the peak.
Like I said earlier though-we did it OUR way. Backpacking was more Nate, and stopping for the waterfalls, loving the rain, holding hands, and eating as much granola as possible was more me.
I'm not going to downplay it. Timp was one of the hardest things I've physically ever done. However, we did it, and I'm so proud of us. We saw that giant mountain and we conquered it.
I couldn't help but think of the symbolism in this, as we encouraged each other up the final stretch up the mountain. Whenever I would get discouraged Nate would encourage me. When he didn't feel well I took care of him. In marriage, and in mountain climbing, life is just better when we're together. And together at our own pace, in our own way, we made it to the top.
We did it, and even better-we did it together.