Saturday, August 23, 2014

Becoming a Happy Camper

I've never really been a happy camper.

Ok, well I'm usually at least a little happy, so I guess technically you could say I was always a happy camper... Lets just say I've never really been an extremely happy camper. Something about trying to sleep on the ground, the critters/insects, and the dirt would always make me tired, annoyed, and ok-a little scared.

However, the man I've married is an avid outdoors man who prides himself on the fact that for 30 nights this summer he has slept on the ground.

And you know, the thing about marriage is that sometimes you have to do things that aren't your favorite, because your spouse loves those things. He does this in the form of shopping expeditions, Sunday naps and certain movies-I do this for camping.

So, last week we had the pleasure of camping with Nate's awesome family. We explored some Redwoods, enjoyed the view of Crater Lake, went fishing in the ocean, and toasted way too many marshmallows. We loved spending time with the entire Rau family-being all together with every single member for my first time. We took in the beautiful sights of the foggy, northern California coast. We hiked, played games, and walked on the beach. Nate protected me from a skunk, helped me reel in my fish, and slowly and surely made me enjoy this camping thing.

And you know what? I've never been a more happy camper.

 The GIANT rock fish I caught! I was so excited about it! 

Nate getting his exercise.

Thanks Mom and Dad Rau for a wonderful trip, to the family for welcoming me in, and to my husband for not making fun of me when I got scared by spiders, skunks, and grossed out by fish. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Nate Graduates

This past weekend, without any pomp and circumstance Nate graduated from BYU.

He preferred to celebrate by camping with his family, instead of walking (who could blame him?) and so that is exactly what we did! Before we left town though we took some pictures of him to commemorate this monuments occasion. I have to say, seeing him all dressed up and sporting his cap and gown-it hit me. Nate graduated. I've never been more happy for him.

Nate is such a smart and hard-working man. He has always been this way, but especially since we got engaged. He has worked so hard to do well in school because he desires so much to be able to provide for me and our future family. On top of that though, Nate is also someone who sincerely loves learning, and what he studied at BYU. As funny as it may sound, this man loves rocks, gets excited by folds in the mountains, and finds exciting stones or fossils to bring home wherever we go. This man is going to do so well in his career someday, because he sincerely enjoys what it is he studied. It makes me so happy to know that when I send him off to work everyday in the future, with a kiss and some lunch, he'll be headed off to do something that he truly enjoys.

So, congratulations Nathan. I can't wait to see what you'll do next!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Us the Duo

This past week I got an e-mail from the local radio station, saying that I had won tickets to a little show by Us the Duo at the Coca-Cola lounge. I was so excited! I would get to leave work early, hang out with my mom and sister, and listen to some great music.

On top of all that we ended up being selected to be special VIPs! We got front row seats, and lots of Coca-cola swag. More exciting than all that though was Us the Duo. They are such a talented, humble, happy couple. Watching them perform together was such a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.