Everyone who knows me knows that I love Christmas and all the little things that come with it! I love all the lights, I love the treats, I love wrapping presents for people, I love the beautiful white snow(still waiting on that part) I love the smells, the music, I love laying on the living room floor staring up at the Christmas tree, I love how I totally become a little kid again... I just love it all. More than anything I love the smiles on peoples faces, the willingness throughout the world to love and serve your neighbor, the spirit of kindness and peace and most importantly the focus on the birth and life of our Savior Jesus Christ.
When I was home for Christmas we decorated our house! Which is not an easy job. Not because our house is large or anything, but because with the amount of Christmas decorations we've accumulated we could probably decorate an entire small country for Christmas. OK that might be an exaggeration, but we could at least decorate the entire state of New Jersey with them. My mom's love for decorating for Christmas and my loving parents made sure that I have Christmas decorations to put up in my dorm!
This is my cute little Mickey Christmas Tree I got in Disney World this past summer! Its so cute and I love having it right by my computer to keep me sane while getting all ready for finals!
Mom also sent me back with tons of other decorations, and when I see them I think of my Pop, thanks Mom, Dad, and Pops, for making my dorm a little more Christmas-y!
I LOVE your nativity! It is sooo cute!!
I've been looking all over for those lights you little thief...that's got to be an honor code violation! jk I knew you had them all of the time.
I love what you've done for your room. Don't forget to bring the lights back when you come home for Christmas so you can hang them in your bedroom!
Good luck with your last couple of weeks. We sure do love you!
Very cute!! I should have had you come help Ashley and I decorate our house. The outside is ready to go but the inside I haven't started yet. Not because I don't want to, but because I have two kids, fulltime job, husband..... Okay I will get it done. Promise!
So cute. I agree on the nativity, everyone needs one. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Christmas as well. I completely agree. It is amazing how so much changes for a holiday! I love it!
It looks so cute Nicole! I always had a little tree in my room as well because the extra pretty lights really just do something extra!
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