In retrospective, it was quite a magnificent birthday weekend.

I got to go to lunch with Mom at Rooster... which I'd been dying to try out. (I was not disappointed in the least)
I got to go on exciting scavenger hunts with the roommates which included tasks like...
getting hugs and cheek kisses from boys in the Ward
convincing some boy at Fat Cats to let me bowl for him
Have a fun little parking lot dance party
Let all of Wal-Mart sing to me
Have my friends pick out books that describe me...
And return to Helaman Halls
in order to.....
convince some freshmen (the only non-garment wearing byu boys) to rent their shirts...
And my dearest Ky and Stace even came up to join in the festivities!
And I got to enjoy the company of many other amazing friends!
And then the night ended with FONDUE!
I got watch a little NCAA basketball with Dad, including the amazing Kansas vs. Northern Iowa game. And although my bracket is toast with that loss, it felt good to see the underdog win.
I got to go out to dinner with the fam at Tuchanos, which was fun. Even when they made me stand up on my chair and dance as they sang happy birthday. See:
I even got to see my dearest friend Lexi who was in town for a few days from Florida.
And then, on Sunday I got to spend hours with my favorite people-my family, and the Childs. And Liz's cute mom and Darnielle were even in town. Highlights include cake, catch phrase, playing volleyball with James, and the word racetrack...
Oh and there were even a few presents :)
Including a super cute headband or two, this wonderful dress, the most wonderfully fabulous rain boots(which I will rock in London), Princess and the Frog, and the Blind Side.

Am I lucky or what? Thanks everyone for making it great. The best thing about this weekend really was seeing all my family and my amazing friends. I love you all!