Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Happiest Place on Earth...

I'm going there tomorrow.

Ok technically I won't be going to the park tomorrow, just to the hotel and to get some zzz's.

But the next day... I'm going to Disneyland.

And California Adventure...

I'm SO excited.

Here is my list of things I want to do whilst in my favorite place:

-Ride Tower of Terror w/Dad

-Eat a frozen chocolate covered banana

-If they have a Princess Tiana, take a pic w/her :)

-Watch fireworks

-Ride Space Mountain

-Rock the Buzz Light year game

-Eat the delicious sourdough bread in C.A.

-Shop in Downtown Disney

-Talk Mom or Dad into buying me something whilst shopping...

-Let my inner child run free

ha ha that sounded philosophical didn't it?

Wish You Were There!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Feminine Friend

(I know, I know-2 posts in one day... I'm amazing, what can I say. Or just really good at avoiding Statistics homework)

Today I went to Target. (Yes, sometimes I say it kinda French with a je at the end-irrelevant) I went with 2 purposes.

First and foremost-acquire a copy of my new favorite movie, the Blind Side on DVD. It came out today and no, I couldn't wait another day to get my very own copy.

Second, and almost equally as important-get something to eat, and a Diet Coke. (The eating part was more optional at this point then the Diet Coke was.)

I parked my car, and walked up to the store. Whilst walking in the lady next to me said, "Oh I just love your headband, where did you get it?"

I was flattered. Sadly it was a birthday present so I have no idea where it originally came from. I started chatting with this sweet woman, who looked to be a few years older then my own mother. We had an instant connection. She told me that my headband looked so great with my dark hair. In that moment we became friends. After that she said "Good for you." With that phrase we became eternal bffls(best friends for life. anyone?). Let it be stated that I'm not always easily swayed however; anyone who gives me a sincere 'Congrats' or 'Good for you' on my wardrobe, especially when they aren't getting anything from it, becomes a dear friend.

As my new best friend and I continued to talk about the said headband she mentioned how she just loves how styles are becoming more feminine again. Sadly, we soon entered the stores and parted ways, but her comments left me thinking. And I came to a conclusion...

I love looking feminine. I love being feminine. I love dressing up and wearing heels, doing my hair all pretty and trying out new make-up. I love flowery-smelling lotion, the color pink and yes I love headbands.

So, today lets here it for being a woman!

PS-Isn't it great that I can love being feminine yet at the same time love football, march-madness and driving Dad's big ole' truck? I know, I'm a rare and precious breed. ;)

Monday, March 22, 2010

20 Birthday Candles

In retrospective, it was quite a magnificent birthday weekend.

I got to go to lunch with Mom at Rooster... which I'd been dying to try out. (I was not disappointed in the least)
I got to go on exciting scavenger hunts with the roommates which included tasks like...
getting hugs and cheek kisses from boys in the Ward

convincing some boy at Fat Cats to let me bowl for him

Have a fun little parking lot dance party

Let all of Wal-Mart sing to me

Have my friends pick out books that describe me...

And return to Helaman Halls

in order to.....

convince some freshmen (the only non-garment wearing byu boys) to rent their shirts...

And my dearest Ky and Stace even came up to join in the festivities!

And I got to enjoy the company of many other amazing friends!

And then the night ended with FONDUE!

I got watch a little NCAA basketball with Dad, including the amazing Kansas vs. Northern Iowa game. And although my bracket is toast with that loss, it felt good to see the underdog win.

I got to go out to dinner with the fam at Tuchanos, which was fun. Even when they made me stand up on my chair and dance as they sang happy birthday. See:

I even got to see my dearest friend Lexi who was in town for a few days from Florida.

And then, on Sunday I got to spend hours with my favorite people-my family, and the Childs. And Liz's cute mom and Darnielle were even in town. Highlights include cake, catch phrase, playing volleyball with James, and the word racetrack...

Oh and there were even a few presents :)
Including a super cute headband or two, this wonderful dress, the most wonderfully fabulous rain boots(which I will rock in London), Princess and the Frog, and the Blind Side.

Am I lucky or what? Thanks everyone for making it great. The best thing about this weekend really was seeing all my family and my amazing friends. I love you all!

Monday, March 15, 2010

"I can't wait for tomorrow to be over..."

I whined to Mikhael as she folded clothes and cleaned her side of the room.

"Tomorrow hasn't even started, how you can you be excited for it to be over?"
Obviously tomorrow hadn't started, hence why it was called tomorrow. Duh, Khaels. I still love her though. Her and the Finish cross-country skiers.
"I just have a lot to do, I'm not looking forward to it.It's gonna be a long day."
That was the conversation of last night.

Whats the phrase? Expect the worst but hope for the best?
Well-today was the best! Well, as far as Mondays go.
Professors were nice, lots and lots of extra credit was offered, the sun was shining that beautiful way it does that suddenly brings all of campus to the grasses for a lazy afternoon of studying, free hamburgers and hot dogs were being handed out for lunch, and I even heard birds chirping. And then, I went to my London class which I refer to in my head as my London Party because I get to make new friends and I leave more excited and giddy to live there then I've ever been yet. Ahh... (deep sigh of excitement at upcoming adventures)
It's been a great day. So much better then expected.

Now I have to take a D&C test. But guess what, as I get ready to walk over to the testing center the sun is still out! There is nothing more beautiful then the sun creeping through the windows upstairs at the testing center. Wish me luck! And sunny windows!

Aren't these people so great! I love them. And Gurus. Just sayin'


Birthday=3 days away!!! So excited for the fun/family/friends/chocolate fondue/cupcakes/laughter/lovin' that will ensue. (Big word-be proud Dad)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Remember When?

I remember a time when everyone I loved was living. Those were the days. They were the same times I would sit and G&G London's and think my cousin was the coolest thing ever, because of his Letterman jacket, and that someday I would be cool too... once I was 16. ha ha

When I turned 16 I was not the coolest by any means. That same year I lost someone I loved for the first time. By the time I was 17 I'd lost 3 more. A year and a half later another. Nine months later, another. And now, seven months later, another.

The young me and G&G London's did not expect this.

Those times of swinging on the back porch, fighting over who gets to stay on the water bed or in the pink room, candy in the fridge, laughing so hard we turned purple and afternoons spent listening to stories and drinking grapefruit juice are far past. I remember them well though, and for that I am grateful.

Things haven't turned out like I'd hoped they would. My kids will not know their great-grandpa's and only one great-grandma. But, they will know their legacy, because that lives on. Those I lost taught others I love, and myself, and the best way to honor and remember them is emulate their good traits. And so, with the loss of another family member I once again vow to honor them by emulating their good traits, and fondly remembering when.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Whats Been Inspiring Me Lately?

The relief society lesson about the roles of womanhood. The closeness of death. The sunday school lesson about the Book of Mormon. My Patriarchal blessing. Being at home. Chats with my parents. Music. And tonight-the R.S fireside Bishop Smart Gave-themed "Come Unto Christ"

He shared these words from Elder Busche, formally of the 70 at a BYU devotional in 1996. Please watch it, you will not regret it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Day I Realized I'm a Grown-Up

Today as I ate lunch I sat and blog stalked the 'elite' bloggers. You know who I'm talking about... the bloggers who are known. The ones with giveaways, and fans and sponsors and humor to boot. As I read about one's magical life in the empire state (I admit I only knew this because of Jay Z) I came to a realization.

I'm a grown-up.

Now hold your horses! Before you mention all of the foolish, childish things I still do let me explain.

I'm a grown-up. But I'm not all grown-up.

I made my bed this morning. I did the dishes just because they needed to be done. I searched out the stink in the fridge..(very, very green cheese... gross!). I straightened my room. I made a nutritious lunch, ate breakfast and drank lots of water. I did my VT. I'm moving to a foreign country by myself(ok not technically by myself but w/out my family!) I'm trying to budget my checkbook. I'm reminding myself rent will be due. Heck, I'm blogging.

All of these are grown-up things. crazy. and somewhat unexpected.

BUT.... the #1 thing that made me realize I'm a grown-up this week:
Out of the bag of these mini candy bars Dad so kindly provided I only wanted the green ones...

Dark chocolate = grown-up.

That settles it.