Monday, March 1, 2010

The Day I Realized I'm a Grown-Up

Today as I ate lunch I sat and blog stalked the 'elite' bloggers. You know who I'm talking about... the bloggers who are known. The ones with giveaways, and fans and sponsors and humor to boot. As I read about one's magical life in the empire state (I admit I only knew this because of Jay Z) I came to a realization.

I'm a grown-up.

Now hold your horses! Before you mention all of the foolish, childish things I still do let me explain.

I'm a grown-up. But I'm not all grown-up.

I made my bed this morning. I did the dishes just because they needed to be done. I searched out the stink in the fridge..(very, very green cheese... gross!). I straightened my room. I made a nutritious lunch, ate breakfast and drank lots of water. I did my VT. I'm moving to a foreign country by myself(ok not technically by myself but w/out my family!) I'm trying to budget my checkbook. I'm reminding myself rent will be due. Heck, I'm blogging.

All of these are grown-up things. crazy. and somewhat unexpected.

BUT.... the #1 thing that made me realize I'm a grown-up this week:
Out of the bag of these mini candy bars Dad so kindly provided I only wanted the green ones...

Dark chocolate = grown-up.

That settles it.


Shane said...

So proud of you growing up. I guess that means I now have to watch the dark chocolate...used to be that was all that was left:)

Love ya kid.

robyne said...

Ha, Ha,
Only true chocolate connoisseurs like the dark chocolate! XOXOX