Friday, December 24, 2010

Viva Italia!

7 Days, 3 Cities, 2 Trains, 3 Airports, 5 girls and 13 scoops of gelato= One of the most exciting adventures ever.

It all began here:

We spent the night at the Stanstead airport, because our plane left so early in the morning. Apparently its a popular thing to do because the only place we could find to rest is that corner of floor pictured above. Thanks to the girls in the center providing some awesome trash mags it wasn't nearly as bad as anticipated. After our night there we all slept the two hour flight, and before we knew it Lauren, Rachel and i found ourselves in....
We met up with Mandy and Kaitlyn and spent the next 4 days exploring all that Rome has to offer.
We all made wishes in the Trevvi fountain
And fell in love with the Colosseum
And took in the splendor of the Roman Forum, as well as the beautiful skyline
One evening we climbed the Spanish steps, and found an opening where we could see the entire city, and take in one of the most breathtaking sunsets I've seen in my life.
Rome is a city of domes, one thing I love about it very very much.
I also loved our visit to Vatican City. We went on a great little tour through the museum before reaching the Sistine Chapel. I can't imagine the amount of work that went into that ceiling. I'd heard about it my entire life, and to see it now, so real and lifelike, was amazing. Words and pictures don't do it justice. I also came to love love love Saint Peters Basilica. It is a stunning basilica. When we entered there was a huge mass going on for the police force of Rome, and it was so cool to see such a large service. I enjoyed exploring the different areas inside, but the real treat was being able to climb the dome, walk across the roof and take in the view.

And of course, a post about Italy would not be complete without mention of the food.
We got brave and tried canolis.
And fell in lust with gelato.
These are my first scoops! Carmel and chocolate!

And of course delicious pizza, pasta and even a few "coca lights" (did you see how tall and skinny the cans are there? crazy!)
Rome was... oh there isn't even a word... breathtaking? awe-inspiring? I love this city. Here are a few more highlights of Rome:
-The oranges growing on all the trees
-The beautiful blend of old and new
-The warm weather and palm trees
-Basilicas, Pantheon, churches, cathedrals and prayers
-Christmas market
-Slumber party night-complete with digestives, cookies, popcorn, and girl talk
-The elevator at our hostel
-All the piatza's and fountains
-Just being in Rome... I still can't believe I was really there, in a city I'd always dreamed of going to. It was so amazing to actually be there, and see all the wonderful things this city has to offer.
After an interesting 3 hour train ride, sandwiched in a middle seat between 2 Italians, and then meeting up with the girls and taking another quick train we finally arrived in...
Thats right, Florence.
I grew up imagining how beautiful Florence was. You see, I grew up watching While You Were Sleeping, where the main character, Lucy, says that if she could go anywhere in the world she would go to Florence. I grew up saying London.
I saw both these cities, and while I prefer London (I think because it was really a home for me) Florence is my second favorite city that I have ever been to. It is all that I had built it up to be, and then some.
There were many highlights in Florence including:
The Duomo. The mosaic inside is beautifully painted, and the green coloring on the outside, and unique architecture make it one of the most inspiring churches in the world.
Climbing the Duomo was difficult-it was by far the most steep dome I'd climbed yet. But, all good things require some work and trust me the view was a very good thing...
Please please notice the stunning brown roofs and how small all the little side streets... so beautiful
We also took a walk down by the river, and across the bridge-which is full of gold and jewelry shops.
I also loved just walking around this city, especially as it was getting all ready for Christmas. There were trees everywhere, a little band playing in the street with all it's members dressed as Santa, and a little Santa on the carousel too.
There were also beautiful lights strung between the buildings in the small streets, and I loved it.
Such a pretty city
Oh, and a post about Florence wouldn't be complete without mentioning all the David statues... he is quite popular here in Florence. We went to see the original at the Academia, but sadly it was closed on our last day there. I did see enough copies to last me until someday when I go back again-then I'll see the real deal.
Other highlights of Florence:
-Having the Uffizi gallery to ourselves one morning. To take in all that beautiful art work, in such a peaceful environment was a wonderful experience.
-Our super nice hostel and free Internet and computer
-Buying an Italian leather date purse-matching with Lauren
-"Leaning tower of Pisa hair" night, where after all checking our bank accounts we decided to laugh instead of worry... laughter is always the answer... and no-I will not post the "leaning tower of Pisa hair" pictures.
-The Medici family palace rooms we toured
-The sunset from Michelangelo's piatza
-Last, but not least.....
Running into the Seeleys!
As we got off the train in Florence I told my friends-"You know what would make my trip to Florence absolutely complete? If we could just run into the Seeleys."
I was met with slight skepticism, but on Sunday in a church-where else?-we ran into the Seeleys, and my trip to Florence was all I had ever wanted :)
As I stated, Florence surpassed even my highest expectations. I love this city and I sincerely hope that I get to return someday again.
On Monday night we took a quick train to Pisa, and went to the leaning tower... where I learned that a-it's not really tall enough to be called a tower and b-its really not that leaning. Minor details though. We went back Tuesday morning to check it out and take some pictures.
Including the cheesy-every-tourist-must-picture of holding up the leaning tower. The more entertaining thing is to look around at all of the tourists taking these pictures in the area around.. so funny to see us all look like fools.

After that, a quick bus ride (Thanks to Lauren for figuring out how to buy the tickets) and a long wait at the Pisa airport my visit to Italy was complete.

I left feeling satisfied with what I'd seen, done, and experienced, and grateful and excited that I had such a unique and amazing opportunity. I learned so much that week in Italy, and I came to love that country, their people, and the girls I traveled with so much. It was exhausting, and at time frustrating even-but these girls always made me laugh, kept me smiling, and helped me have the adventure of a lifetime. The moments of losing my breath in awe or excitement, and the endless smiles that these three cities provided for me far outweighed any amount of yawns or moments of exhaustion.

I love Italy.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Such a fun week-- LOVE YOU!!! :) Thanks for making it so fantastic!!