Things that have made me terribly happy lately:

10-This dress. 

I'm completely in love with it. Also, Pipa's was almost as gorgeous. Only reason Kate's won out is the beautiful lace.
9-Waking up at 4:00 AM eating Bueno Bars and Digestives and watching the Royal Wedding with my mom. (This also made me terribly homesick for england though)
9-Waking up at 4:00 AM eating Bueno Bars and Digestives and watching the Royal Wedding with my mom. (This also made me terribly homesick for england though)
8-Sunshine weather=driving with the sunroof down
7-Movie night with Mom and Megan! We saw Water for Elephants. It was lovely (the clothing was stunning) but at times hard to watch. I was very impressed by Mr. edward/twilight/vampire's performance however
6-Friends marathons with Linsey. We are determined to watch every episode before she leaves... thats a lot of Chandler, Joey, Ross, Rachel, Monica and Pheobe. But its also a lot of laughs
5-My sisters hot date
4-Convincing dad to buy the super overpriced Magnum bars for the family to try. It was basically a completely England weekend :)

3-Lush bubble baths that make the water pink, and your skin super soft
2-An increase in American pride
1-That I was able to capture so many of these beautiful moments via my new i phone. 

This past weekend was full of family, treats, and... england. It was lovely, but I'm very homesick for my other home now.
several things:
a) kate middleton looked absolutely stunning.
b) i completely understand your homesickness (i get really excited about england stuff, but there's always a part of me that gets terribly sad and homesick for it)
c) ok. water for elephants. also completely agree! AMAZING clothes. loved the setting. but yeah, totally had to cover my eyes during multiple parts of the movie. i can't handle watching animal/human abuse. and i thought rob did a splendid job. have you seen him in remember me?
d) friends marathons are the best marathons.
e) congrats on the iphone! you'll wonder how you ever lived without it ...
f) i love you!
Great Post.....hope you are enjoying your i phone.
Royal Wedding? Check.
TLC's Royal Wedding countdown that ran the entire week beforehand? Check.
Way too many episodes of "Wild About Prince Harry?" Check.
Oh Nicole- I miss you. When I am in Provo/SLC this summer... I am coming to visit.
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