Friday, September 16, 2011


Last night I sat a table (oh whats that word...) reminiscing with friends:
one girl who was always a friend, but when I needed a best friend more than ever became just that
another girl who I've known longer than anyone else in the room (besides mom) and who has always been there to make me smile and make me laugh
a boy who I've watched grow into a man, yet still laughs like child
and my very best friend, my mother.
We sat laughing, joking, sipping on mediocre lemonade and catching up with the passers by and each other. We admired the beautiful bride, and the groom who meant something different to each of us, but was loved by us all.
Life is funny. Who would have thought five years ago that at this wedding I'd be sitting next to those two girls. Or that we'd laugh with such care-free attitudes about things that, five years in the past, wouldn't have been funny in the least.
But we laughed. And we joked. And I thought about how lucky I am that my life has worked out how it has, about how lucky I am to have them all as friends. About how grateful I am for change.
And that brings me to the title of this post-300. This is my 300th post on the blog. 300 posts in 3 years-not too bad! Of course not all of them actually made the cut for being published, some are just for me. Together they, the published and un-published, make up the story of my life the last 3 years. And I'm so grateful I have that story for myself.
To remind me just how grateful I am with the way my life worked out.


Stacie said...

oh, love you girl. you are the best! congrats on 300!

robyne said...

300 wow!!! Good for you! I feel like I haven't seen you forever...probably cuz I haven't really seen you since the reception (Deseret Star doesn't count). I miss you and Love you to bits!!