Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Finals

A finals doesn't go by where I don't procrastinate something everything by blogging. So here I am keeping the tradition alive.(see here, here or here)

However instead of saying how stressful a time it is, or how sad finals make me I've decided to share the lovely, great, terribly happy thing that I've found and that have been happening.

-This song is probably my new favorite.

-However in exactly one week I get to go to this lovely concert:
I'm hoping to hear this new one, this old favorite, and oh my heart would melt if she performed this one.

-A lovely yellow Easter skirt.

-The Spring (and 1 year anniversary issue) of my favorite online publication, The Violet, just came out. Check it here. And marvel in the simple beauty of it.

-This week I got a lovely bike ride in, which always makes me smile

-One of my favorite bloggers is telling her life story. Which I have to admit has me enthralled. I love the idea of writing out your life for posterity. You can catch up here.

-Two words: Tax. Return.
      Ok one other word too: Miracle. It was more than expected, and it made my day. Month. Ok year.

-This print:

found here. I want a print to hang on this.

-4 bridal showers in 1 week. Tis the season for bliss.

-And finally this little article about growing up. Ah....her writing is divine.

Happy Finals!

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