I'm actually really great at loving people and at saying I love you. We have just always been that way in our family (blame it good parenting and a healthy dose of Disney movies) Over time though I've come to realize that some people are a lot more conservative with their "I love you", as if saying it too much diminishes it's meaning. For some people that may be the case.
Here is the thing about that though-I love a lot of people.
I love my parents, my sisters, my roommates, my neighbors, the best friend I've had since preschool who now lives in Hawaii, the friends I've had for a year who live down the street, the friends that got me through freshman year, the ones who live next door, and the one who is currently moving across the country. I love my Aunts and Uncles, my cousins and their kids, my "other mom"s I had all growing up, the girls I backpacked Italy with, and the ones who lived in Palace Court with me.
And as I've thought about that-about how many people I love, I've realized that when it comes to saying "I love you" it's not about how many people you say it to-but about the honesty with which it's said. And I am nothing, if not extremely, sometimes even un-tactfully, honest. So know this-when I tell someone I love them, I really do mean it, no matter how many other people I may have said it to.
I feel blessed to have so many wonderful people to love in my life, and to be loved in return from a few of the best.
Happy Valentines Day!
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