Thursday, May 9, 2013


After 5 years at Brigham Young University, and 13 years of school before, the day that always seemed like just a dream finally came.

And went.

I graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree on April 26th in Provo.

I’m not sure what really to say about that day, and my convocation the next day, other than that it happened, it actually, finally happened.

This day I had dreamed of, hoped for, planned around, and worked tirelessly for had finally arrived. When it did it felt sort of surreal-as if this couldn’t actually be happening. I was exhausted from finals, work, and a busy social life. However, much to my delight, when the time came for my name to be called, and to walk across that stage all I felt was complete excitement. And oh so proud!

So proud of all that I had accomplished, all the work, sweat, blood, money, worry and studying had paid off-I did it!! I graduated!!

A couple days before graduation I was talking to a dear friend of mine, although one of the most adventurous friends I have-she has a pretty hard time with change. Without really thinking she blurted out “Graduating is absolutely the worst thing that can happen to a person!”

A year or so ago I would have agreed with her. And a year or so ago it would have been true for me. But now, now it just feels right. To graduate. To move on. To figure out what is next for me out there in this “real world” people speak of.

And in that way- graduating is absolutely the best thing that could have happened to me.

So world, lets see what you hold. I hear your mine for the taking. 

I can’t post about graduation without attempting to express the extreme gratitude I feel for those that made it possible. So many teachers, employers, friends, neighbors and fellow students helped me on my journey. However my deepest gratitude goes to my family. To my sisters who supported me, and were patient with me when I was stressed and exhausted. To my Pops who told everyone he met in his last couple months of life that I was at school at BYU, beaming with pride. To my grandparents who were able to be there when no one else could. To the Childs for countless dinners where I left not only full of food, but of love. And most especially to those parents of mine-who invested time, money, gas, food, tears, late nights and all the love they have into helping me achieve my goals. Dad and Mom-thanks for teaching me to love learning, and that I can do anything I set my mind to. My life is what it is today because of you-and I quite like what it’s becoming.  I love you all.


PS. I may or may not have had my parents reenact the statue with me.... which was the only graduation present I needed.



Elizabeth Bailey Claire Irene Wixom-Davis said...

Nicole! Congratulations! It was such a weird, but incredible feeling graduating. Also, how do you know Nathan Rau!? One of my best friends is from Bend and grew up with him. Small world.

Jess said...

Congrats Nicole what a huge accomplishment. I am so proud of you. I can't stop thinking about how excited you were when we walked to that water pump that started that disease. I don't remember any details you will have to re-teach me. You look absolutely lovely too! Congrats again!!