Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My Due Date

My due date was a little bit sad. Of course, like every expectant mother I had secretly hoped I would be celebrating that day with my little babe in my arms. Instead I found that I had made no noticeable progress from the week before. Luckily our baby boy's heartbeat was strong, and he seemed to be doing great. I spent the day walking up and down stairs at the only mall my mom and I hadn't been walking at yet.

(Mall walking is the only walking-to-induce-labor option when you're due in the middle of icy winter)

I thought a lot that day about divine timing, and how all the blessings in my life have come at times that were perfect, even though I may have liked many of them sooner. Knowing that Heavenly Father has perfect knowledge and timing, I trusted that he would have my baby boy come exactly when it would be best.

Before falling asleep that night I wrote the following as part of a little letter to my boy:

"So tonight and every night, when I head to bed, it will be with a prayer of trust and a hope that tomorrow will bring you. One of these days very soon that hope will be fulfilled."

Little did I know that just seven hours later I'd wake up in labor...

These photos are some of the last taken of my bump-taken the day before my due date. I owe so much to my mama. She was such a great friend and always happy to keep me busy enough to not get discouraged that baby boy hadn't come yet. During the weeks before he came we went shopping, mall walking, to lunch, a movie and spent time hanging out in my nursery and picking out things for my boy. I thought she was the best then, but I knew it for sure after all she did for me when Owen came. Moms are just the best, aren't they?

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