As soon as we got on the coach Dave, our resident director, came on over the intercom and from a very socialogical point of view explained to us all why French men approach woman more "aggressively" then we are used to in the states, especially American women. It would have been completely hilarious if it was not necessary after the evening that had been had by the different groups of girls the night before. Because of the previous night it was only partially hilarious. Partially hilarious, completely understood, listened to and more importantly adhered to.
We rode on the coach for awhile on our way to Chartes. And thanks to my friends Liz and Sara full of singing as if no one else was around. As we pulled into Chartes I was admiring the old buildings, the beautiful scenery, and then
Yes, we saw missionaries in Chartes. They couldn't hear us, which was probably for the best because they probably would have had a heart attack from the shock of the sound of apx 30 girls screaming at the tops of their lungs. They probably don't encounter that much in the small French towns.
So, when we got off the coach a few girls ran up to them, and Dr. Seely followed to explain that we're with BYU and such.
Mormons are everywhere. And it is beautiful.
So, after our missionary encounter we headed over to Chartes Cathedral. We got to use the headsets and do our own group tour lead by Dr. Seeley. He knows everything about reading Cathedrals and churchs. It was such a cool experience. Now the really beauty of Chartes is the stained glass. There is so much of it and it is absolutely stunning on a sunny day like we had. Some of the students from the Bible class got assigned windows and as we went around the cathedral they explained all the stories in the windows to us. It was such a cool experience.
After exploring the cathedral we ventured into town for our first real French meal. I've never had a better ham and cheese panini in my life and probably never will. It was so good. So good that we also went to get a fruit tart from there too. That is the precise moment my love affair with French pastries began.
Love affair is the only adequate discription.
Next up was Versailles. It was gorgeous. As we pulled up I couldn't believe how big it was. I spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the rooms, and gardens. I really appreciated the beauty of the Hall of Mirrors, and the gardens but I definitely understand why people hated the monarchs.
There was one bad thing about Versailles though. And that is the art show they had going on inside of it.
Anime in Versaille? The king was probably turning in his grave.
After that we hopped on the Metro and headed over to the river. From there we took a cool little boat tour. It was an hour on the river, looking at the lights, and the beautiful full moon.
After that we hopped on the Metro and headed over to the river. From there we took a cool little boat tour. It was an hour on the river, looking at the lights, and the beautiful full moon. It was beautiful. After that we explored the city a little more and ended up at the Louvre.
The pyramids were lit up and so beautiful. It was stunning.
"I'm gonna put my feet in, take a picture of me" It was Jess.
"No way friend, I'm putting mine in too."
The cool water felt so good on my feet after walking all day.
"Nicole, go walk out into the pool."
"Jess are you joking? I'm not doing that."
"Get out there! It'll be awesome."
"Jess, there are people over there."
"They are walking away."
And then, I just thought.... Jump. Stop planning, stop worrying and jump.
So I did, literally.
Well, not literally! I walked out though, and got some awesome pictures.
And how many people do you know that can claim they've waded out into the fountain in front of the Louvre? I know, it's cool right! So, the thing I learned the most from France was this-just jump.
That has been the theme of this whole experience. The night I decided to go on study abroad I hadn't planned, I hadn't compared, I didn't think- I just saw it and e-mailed my parents about why I felt it was right for me. And then, I went.
It felt right and I jumped. And it's one of the best things I've ever done.
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