After 4 hours of classes on Thursday I desperately needed to get out of the center!! So, some girls suggested we go down to Westminster and take in the view. We took the tube, walked around Parliament and met Ben:
Before heading up the street back towards Trafalga Square. We also went to PriMark-where I got some cute shoes for 2 pounds. Stellar deal right? This PriMark place is legit!
The next day after class, and a trip to the National Portrait gallery to work on some homework we decided to buy some tickets to this:
After some directional trouble (I have no sense of direction here) we found Queen's theater! And settled in for the best show I've seen. Les Mis was amazing when I saw it at Tuchan in St. George but this doesn't even compare! It was spectacular!!! Like chills down your arms, while Javert sings Stars spectacular. It was worth every pence! Oh but if you go be warned, at intermission they sell tiny little Hagan Daus Ice Cream and everyone else will get it and taunt you with it. So, factor in the 3 pound cost of the Hagan Daus. I'm proud to say we resisted this time!
Getting home was quiet the adventure. During the week the only people that ever talk on the tube are children and Americans. However, on the weekend at late at night there is this magical time when suddenly(or 5 drinks later) everyone on the tube is yelling, and laughing and having a grand ole time! ha ha ha The Pubs we passed were alive and well on Friday night.
Saturday morning we walked down the street to Portabello Market. All the little shops, and tents were so cool. Saturday we basically just got a feel for the place, but I'm sure we'll go back very soon because there is a legit pocketwatch necklace calling my name :)
The rest of the day yesterday was spent doing homework, and such. Then at night a huge group of us went to dinner at Nandos (amazing) and I discovered joy when I found out:
That not only do they have Diet Coke, but they do free refills and have pebble ice!!!! This place is amazing and many a Saturday will include a visit to Nandos for some chicken, potatoes, and D.C.
After dinner a bunch of us went down to Tower Bridge at night. It is gorgeous! We're going back as part of the program and doing a tour and such but it was cool to see it at night time. I really enjoyed the view, and the nice little outing. Sadly, the Internet is kinda sketch sometimes so uploading, even one picture at a time, is not working. Look for some next time though!
And then we got on the wrong line.
And missed our train.
And couldn't figure out how to buy tickets, which resulted in us almost missing the second train.
Which left us RUNNING across Charington Cross Station.
Once on though we were golden. The church is about a 20 minute train ride from Charington Cross, and it takes us south of the Thames. It is such a beautiful area. It was not too far out of the city, but felt so different, and wonderful. The church is this old brick building, with a short back iron fence around the property and fruit trees in the yard. The bishop had already asked us each to serve in the primary, which had recently been reorganized, so we headed straight there when we arrived, 45 minutes late.
There are about 10 children, and there were two leaders-Karen and Stella. We had a great time singing the primary songs, learning about obedience, and especially being with the children. They have such a sweet spirit about them.
After Primary we headed out to Sacrament, and I loved it so much. The ward is a lot smaller than I am used to, but the spirit is the same! That is what is so great about the church, no matter where you are in the world-it is the same feeling of love and goodness. At church we got sustained as Primary Assistants and after church we got set apart and had a meeting with Karen and Stella. I was asked to teach the 8-11 year old class. There are about 5 kids in there and I'm excited, and only slightly nervous for it. The look of relief on the Primary President's face when I told her I had been in Primary brought anything but relief to me. She said that she has only been in for a few weeks, and has no idea what to do, and said she was so glad that I know whats going on. I'm pretty sure that teaching 5 year olds that Heavenly Father loves them is a little bit different then knowing whats going on! I'm so excited to serve here though, especially in primary with the children.
One man, as we were leaving said "You three are angels. It's amazing that although Brigham is gone, he still sends his angels" I think back on this and get teary eyed. I feel exactly the opposite. Even though I've only known them all for a few hours they seem like the angels in this relationship-welcoming me in, answering our questions, and making me feel comfortable and loved. I'm so grateful for this.
So, as you can see things are going pretty well here in the UK! It's still hard trying to find a good balance of study and play, sleep and socialize, and healthy and gelato but I'll get ther eventually. As long as I always have the option of Nutella in the morning!
Great post! Sounds like a perfect Sunday! Can't wait to talk to you tomorrow!!
Week one sure was full of adventure. Great to both read and talk with you about it. It sounds like quite a Sunday and I agree that Brigham does keep sending angels.
Sounds great! With reference to teaching primary? Well just pretend one of them is Ashley! She is the same age! Love you and the posts.
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