Monday, June 27, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
All I Want to Do...
-Paint my nails all pretty (like my friend Grace)
-See Midnight in Paris (I've been waiting soooo long for this, and still have not found the time to go!)
-Visit Blickenstaff's because it looks like so much fun and what could be better to make s'mores with than a Galaxy bar?!
-Read the rest of the Hunger Game series. I read Hunger Games in a day and a half and I'm dying without a copy of Catching Fire (this will hopefully be resolved quickly!) Remember in elementary school when we used to have read-a-thons. Well I would just love to have my own. I want to build a little blanket fort, fill it with pillows, blankets, and get lost in District 12.
Don't' these all sound like bliss?! Anyone want to join me?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunshine and Summertime
Friday we got to sleep in (it was amazing) and then we headed down to the pool for some tanning, swimming and relaxing. The 100 degree weather felt amazing, and I loved just laughing with my mom and sisters as we took quick dips in the pool, then dried off. After that we packed up our room, checked out, went shopping (oh man was H&M good to me) and then we proceeded to have the best lunch of my life.
Oh how I love you Max Brenner.

Three summers ago on our infamous trip to NYC we saw The Little Mermaid on Broadway. It was with much anticipation that we headed to Tuchan to see this show, we had very high expectations. Luckily we were not disappointed in the least. There is just something magical about they way they are able to use the water at Tuchan. It was absolutely stunning.

What more could a girl ask for?
Thanks for making this happen Dad and Mom. It was so nice to be there with you all! I love you.
Dear Dad,

Happy Father Day!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
June 4th...finally

This shot is for you Jess-the chairs...
(I think you're worrying was worthwhile-everything was perfect)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Things I Loved About Living at Home Last Month:
chocolate can always be found somewhere
going to the movies! what a treat!
someone was always willing to buy me some diet coke
my big comfy queen bed
not having to worry about what I would do for dinner
friends, how i met your mother, big bang theory marathons
playing with coco
trips to cemeteries
"seamore butts" visiting his "enemy" at the cemetery
sundays at Aunt Debbies
on the rare chance it was sunny-laying on the tramp
the nice washer/dryer. seriously-so big
naps on the couch
hanging out with my family