I know this is a day late, but I was much too busy hanging with my Father to post this yesterday. So, here it is a day late, but just as sincere.
Almost everyone claims to have the "best" dad. And I could sit and argue with you for hours about that, but there is one thing no one can argue....I have the perfect dad for me.
I feel extremely blessed to have the relationship I have with my Dad. My friends have often been surprised by how close we are. They comment on how sweet it is that I get a phone call, at least twice a week around 6:00-just to check up on me and see how things are going. Or that no matter where I live, or if I'm dating someone or not, I always have a beautiful bouquet of flowers on Valentines day. Or that my Dad usually knows exactly whats going on in my life-from what classes I'm taking, to how work is, or how my friends are.
We have a really great relationship, and I'm very blessed to say that we always have. I never had that "teenage-brat-hate-my-dad phase" or that "i'm-way-too-cool-to-hang-out-with-you" phase. I've always felt comfortable talking to him about my life. And he has always been willing to listen, council, and help in any way he can.
So today Dad, I just want to take a minute to tell you how grateful I am for all you do for me.
-For always working so hard to provide for our family
-For letting me go, when I need to, and helping me get home when I need to
-For not being mad when I accidentally knocked my side mirror off the mazda
-For helping me move more times than I can count
-For helping me see my talents, and convincing me that they are wonderful
-For teaching me to love football, and always bringing me to games (even though everyone else brought their sons)
-For letting me be my girly self, and being patient with my fear of moths, spiders, and snakes
-For quelling my fear of missing out (even if it is slightly irrational at times) and getting me a flight to meet up with you guys
-For the car advise, occasional help with rent, and countless cartons of milk
-For being more than willing to let me cry to you (from 1,000s of miles away) even though I'm pretty sure you were in an important meeting at the time. And for telling me that no matter if I chose to go or come home you'd make it happen.
-For helping solve my practical problems. (car. bank accounts. loans. flights. school schedules. etc)
-For holding the priesthood, and sharing the blessings of it with us.
-For teaching me though example of faith, obedience, prayer, and the importance of the gospel
-For always loving mom so much.
-For being willing to always be "the beast" so I could be "booty"

I just laugh, and mentally count them out.
Because it takes a very, very patient man to have only daughters... and an even more patient man to love having only daughters.
Yep, you're the perfect Dad for only daughters. patient. kind. loving. soft spoken. understanding.
And I couldn't be more grateful to you for it.
And we all love you so much for it.
Happy Father Day!
What!?! I need more pictures than that!! You do have a pretty great dad though!
Great post honey!!!
Thanks Collie! I loved my weekendnspent with all of you and can't wait until our thanksgiving trip"
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