-Paint my nails all pretty (like my friend Grace)
-See Midnight in Paris (I've been waiting soooo long for this, and still have not found the time to go!)
-Visit Blickenstaff's because it looks like so much fun and what could be better to make s'mores with than a Galaxy bar?!
-Read the rest of the Hunger Game series. I read Hunger Games in a day and a half and I'm dying without a copy of Catching Fire (this will hopefully be resolved quickly!) Remember in elementary school when we used to have read-a-thons. Well I would just love to have my own. I want to build a little blanket fort, fill it with pillows, blankets, and get lost in District 12.
Don't' these all sound like bliss?! Anyone want to join me?
i would love to join you on ALL those things! s'mores sound so good right now. and blickenstaff's is awesome! i about died when i saw the red telephone booth! also, i have yet to read hunger games, but i think i need to now ...
I am in. Also, now that you're reading HG you can see the midnight premier with me in March!
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