Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let Me Apologize...

Please don't stop reading, because I haven't posted in awhile. It is not for lack of inspiration, or lack of love for the written word. Lately my inspiration has just been directed into another written source. I promise to be more diligent though-for you. Yes you, whoever you are that actually reads this. I'd like to make it up to you with a beautifully eloquent post, or a knee slapping comedic one. There is just one problem with that plan, right now I have nothing to say. I know, I know-this is rare.

I could tell you about how great this semester is turning out to be. I could go on and on about how much I'm loving my Public Health classes, and how inspired I am to make a difference to others around the world. I could tell you all about the diseases I've been learning about and how intriguing they really are. I could tell you about the free books I'm getting about Public Health, and how excited I am for them to come. I could tell you about how although I thought I wanted to become a nurse after this, I'm leaning more toward a Masters in Public Health. I could go on about graphs and numbers and terms that statastics(I know I spelled that wrong-thats for you mom) has been teaching me or even about the ancient civilazations of the world. But, I won't.

I could tell you all about the fun things I've been doing since I got back. I could tell you all about the night we went to Velour to see Sr.'s band perform and how one of my other roommates got a boy out of it and how great the music and dancing was(ok the dancing was not necessarily encouraged by those with me, but when I feel the beat I just can't stop). I could go on and tell you about the ward activity of broom ball and how much fun it was, but how dangerous. I could explain how when I fell once I nearly broke my nose and I was terrified about having plastic surgery for a brief moment. I could tell you about shopping up at the outlets in Park City and the magical fortune teller we found while getting shakes in Heber. I could tell you about how much I adore all NBC jokes currently and find any excuse to pass them on. I could tell you about the wall of chocolate desseret, my one tree hill obsession, or my late night chats with Mikhael, But I won't.

See, I have nothing to say. (thats why this post is so long) So I guess I will just say this. Thanks for reading this. For being my friend. For encouraging me to be great and for supporting my love for writing. It means a lot. Even when I have nothing to say.


Shane said...

Thanks for the post, I learned a lot from it! Keep them coming.

robyne said...

Boy I am impressed with are actually enjoying statastics ha, ha!
Seriously, I love your blog, keep it up!