Wednesday, June 13, 2012


A good family. A home that's not too far. A wonderful apartment. Great roommates. A cozy bed. A car that gets me where I want to be. A bike that gets me where I need to be. Fantastic friends. My phone to contact them. Beautiful green trees. The sunshine. Stellar neighbors. Nice notes. A job that provides so much more than income. The stars in the sky. My health. Two legs that carry me even when I think I'm done. A laugh that shares with the world my happiness. Lazy afternoons. Road trips. Fresh fruit. Green vegetables. A computer to write at. The occasional chocolate treat. Friends to laugh with. Eyes that see it all. Scriptures to devour. Answers. Beautiful music. Night drives with the sunroof down. The experiences that have taught me so much. An amazing ward. Wonderful books. Inspired leaders. Truth. Prayers.

1 comment:

Shane said...

And we're blessed because of you in our lives! Love ya kid.