Monday, November 3, 2014

Rautumn Happenings

What this Autumn has looked like:

A tight election race, in which the Raus were VERY invested. Luckily this year election day came early and our guy won. Although we hate to see Josiah leave the White House, somebody had to take his place, and luckily the guy who won is a quality one. 

Crunchy leaves falling all over our beautiful garden. I didn't think the garden could get more beautiful, but it's kind of stunning the way the leaves fall around the bright flowers. Oh this season!

Beautiful red, orange and yellow patches of vibrate color scattered across our mountains. Oh the mountains in the fall-there are no words to do them justice.

What this Autumn has smelled like:

"Autumn Walk"-the best thing that has ever come out of Walmart

Also that fall smell mixture of fire, chill and leaves. Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about.

What this Autumn has tasted like:

Caramel Apple Cider Cookies.
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread.
Parmesan Fondue.
and a whole lot of popcorn.

What this Autumn has sounded like:

A crazy amount of crickets outside our open windows
Taylor Swift's "Out of the Wood"-one of us loves to sing it at the top of lungs
Laughter. A lot of laughter.

What this Autumn has felt like:

My favorite season, spent with my favorite person has made me feel a new level of contentment, a new level of peace, and a new level of love for my husband, and of course, for Autumn.

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