Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Marathon

Physically I'm not a runner. I hate doing laps because I hate seeing the same thing over again; I hate running in groups because I'm so NOT in shape its embarrassing; and I hate the pound of my foot on the pavement because of the pain it sends to my knee. Lately though I've decided that maybe I'm destined to be one of "those" people-you know the ones who find joy from running-because emotionally that is what I do.

When I don't want to face something, I get busy. I clean the house, I plan 5K's at work, I go somewhere with my friends, I pack up my room, I do my laundry, I clean, I run errands, I go shopping, I watch TV and I sleep. I do basically anything to keep me from facing whatever it is that scares me.
These "emotional marathons" have a down side though. Every single marathon run has a finish line, a moment when the race is all over, when you stop pushing yourself, when your done.

Mine is coming soon. I know I can't keep running much longer. Soon I'll have to face my fears and the facts, and the pain and tears that comes with those. Soon I'll cross that finish line and surrender myself to the emotion.
But I know that when that time comes, I won't be alone. In fact, I am quite positive that these last few miles I will not be running at all, but will be carried by the one who knows exactly how I feel, and who has been watching over me through every race.
And together, we'll cross the finish line.
*PS I'm very proud of both these pictures, especially the last one. I was inspired that by the young sophomore who knew he wasn't running alone, and I promise we never are either.

1 comment:

Shane said...

Always proud of you kid and know you can accomplish much. Just don't think you have to do it all and remember that you've got many people who are there to help you! Love ya.