Monday, October 13, 2008

Family Home Evening

Some of us at breakfast at G&G Swain's house! It was delicious! And so so much fun!
My "son" Jordan and I goofing around while carving pumpkins
Jake(dad), Sam, Me, Jordan, Shelby, Lauren, Jillian, Kristi, and Rachelle.. oh and our pumpkins(Sea Creature, Chimp, Jose and Grandpa Gus)
Having fun while "gutting" the pumpkin
My friend Shelby and I took a break from carving the chimp to take this picture!
I love my calling! I am officially a family home evening assistant coordinator, or something like that, but I just go by mom. At first I thought that it would be weird to have this calling, but I'm learning that it is SO fun, and that in a weird way its preparing me for motherhood. In our family we have 8 guys, and 6 girls including me and "dad". Lately we have had lots of fun activities! We have played catch phrase, learned about missionary work, played boys vs girls Disney Scene It (and thanks to the awesome girls in my family, I still have never lost at that game!), had breakfast at "grandma and grandpa's house" and tonight we carved pumpkins! I love my "family" and look forward to home evening every Monday night! I couldn't ask for a better family away from my family!


Shane said...

Looks like a fun activity and a fun group. Glad to hear you're still the tops at Disney Scene-it. Just remember you can't say that for "The Office" game! Love ya.

Meet the Falkners said...

Yeah! What a fun calling! You will be great at it I am sure. Glad to see you are doing well.

robyne said...

hey mama, you are a nut, but I sure love ya! I am proud of you keep it up! :)