Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Feminine Friend

(I know, I know-2 posts in one day... I'm amazing, what can I say. Or just really good at avoiding Statistics homework)

Today I went to Target. (Yes, sometimes I say it kinda French with a je at the end-irrelevant) I went with 2 purposes.

First and foremost-acquire a copy of my new favorite movie, the Blind Side on DVD. It came out today and no, I couldn't wait another day to get my very own copy.

Second, and almost equally as important-get something to eat, and a Diet Coke. (The eating part was more optional at this point then the Diet Coke was.)

I parked my car, and walked up to the store. Whilst walking in the lady next to me said, "Oh I just love your headband, where did you get it?"

I was flattered. Sadly it was a birthday present so I have no idea where it originally came from. I started chatting with this sweet woman, who looked to be a few years older then my own mother. We had an instant connection. She told me that my headband looked so great with my dark hair. In that moment we became friends. After that she said "Good for you." With that phrase we became eternal bffls(best friends for life. anyone?). Let it be stated that I'm not always easily swayed however; anyone who gives me a sincere 'Congrats' or 'Good for you' on my wardrobe, especially when they aren't getting anything from it, becomes a dear friend.

As my new best friend and I continued to talk about the said headband she mentioned how she just loves how styles are becoming more feminine again. Sadly, we soon entered the stores and parted ways, but her comments left me thinking. And I came to a conclusion...

I love looking feminine. I love being feminine. I love dressing up and wearing heels, doing my hair all pretty and trying out new make-up. I love flowery-smelling lotion, the color pink and yes I love headbands.

So, today lets here it for being a woman!

PS-Isn't it great that I can love being feminine yet at the same time love football, march-madness and driving Dad's big ole' truck? I know, I'm a rare and precious breed. ;)


robyne said...

Yes you are a very rare breed indeed! Love You:)

Shane said...

I love you just like you are and I couldn't agree more with what you've said. Love ya kid!