Saturday, January 22, 2011

It Better Win An Oscar or Two...

So, how do I reward myself after a 7 hour study session?

By watching a Golden Globe winning movie about college kids who invent this website that I may or may not check multiple times a day. It all starts in their little dorm room at desks much like mine at a university I surely couldn't have gotten into and somehow what they did there manages to affect me everyday. Oh, and they become billionaires.

Now I've watched this movie a few times now. I'm kinda a fan. Who isn't? Have you seen Andrew Garfield? (or heard him.. yep hot British accent) And after watching it for about the 3rd time tonight I realized something-

not once in the movie does it show any of them actually studying

Rowing crew? Sure. Drinking? Obviously. Dressing horribly and attending Jewish club parties? Luckily yes. Traveling to NY? Why not. Defending their animal cruelty? Definitely.

Studying? Nope.

Did I mention there at Harvard. Not studying....

So, here is my question-how can I become a billionaire without having to spend another day like today?

Heck, I'd settle for a million :)

If you find out let me know. Oh and if your answer is marry Andrew Garfield we better be best friends.

Until then though I gotta go-I still have some studying to do.


Unknown said...

Marry Andrew Garfield! Then we'll both be married to Andrews.

Aly said...

Nicole! You should check out My boyfriend, Jon, is a coach for them. They help people find what they're passionate about and how to get paid doing it. It has changed my life and I know I never need to study or go to school (if I don't want to) in order for me to get paid to play! Love you dear. Your blog makes me smile:)