Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Trees...

I wrote a very lovely, witty post about the 4 (yep 4!) Christmas Trees I had the pleasure of decorating this season. I wrote about how lovely Christmas trees are and about how magical a dark living room, lit only by twinkle lights on a tree look. And then I had a nice photo montage of my trees.

And then for some reason I accidentally deleted the whole thing.

Oh gosh. And now, well with papers to be written, and quizzes to take, and all this Christmas cheer going around  I don't exactly have the energy or the time to bust out my cuteness or my wit (if it could even be argued that I possessed those things in the first place) and redo my previously lovely post.

So instead, for the sake of my future self, I present the 4 trees that  I adored decorating this year.

And there you have it! Christmas trees all around!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

HAHAHA I was so confused when dashboard wouldn't let me see that post. Your trees look so fresh. As in heavenly pine-scented, and also as in Prince of Bel-Air.

Bring on the cheer. Let's hang out before I leave. LOVE you.