Friday, April 23, 2010

Finally a pause in the craziness...

Finals finally ended. And they went so very well. I've never been more satisfied with how my semester shaped up, and I know that it is not because of my own brain or genius, but by the hand of the lord and hard work. I worked harder then ever before, and because of that I was blessed to do well. I could not be more grateful for that.

After finals ended it was time to pack up and make the move back to Sandy. Packing was horrible-I had no idea I had so much stuff. It is absolutely insane! Cleaning the apartment was even worse then packing but we made it through. I moved back here to my home in Sandy yesterday and ever since I've been crazy busy unpacking and placing my life together here!

I finally have a moment to think. The rush and whirlwind of the last two weeks is finally over. It's finally hitting me that it's summer time, that I'm living in Sandy now, that I won't see my roommates and BYU friends for 8 months and that London is fast approaching.

I'm excited for London. More then that though I'm excited for right now. For summer, for living here, for making new friends and memories.

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