Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Series of Unfortunate Events (A True Story)

Bad things have been happening around here. Very bad things. They have been bad enough that it's got me wondering if I walked under a ladder or broke a mirror,or if this is all just karma for making fun of Jessica Simpson relentlessly (Don't we all?)

After not being able to recall any broken mirrors or ladders, and remembering that the sole reason Jessica Simpson exists is to be made fun of I just had to accept that my life has simply become a new edition of a famous book series.

You think I'm exaggerating? Let me illustrate for you the Nicole London edition of A Series of Unfortunate Events that my life has become:


-Slip on ice and in an attempt to catch my balance accidentally cause some blunt force trauma to my forearm as the bone there came into some serious contact with the corner of my cement apartment complex

-Have a church meeting at 9:00am on a snowy Saturday. Then have said meeting last TWO HOURS AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES during which time you get called out in front of everyone for glancing at the clock (I was embarrassed nearly to tears but hello! 2 hours and 45 minutes???)

-Walk home in the snow without gloves. When I finally arrive home I examine my arm and realize that as I follow the bone all of a sudden there is a giant dent in my arm

At this point, I admit I should have given up on the day and stayed indoors but that night my love for Target and need for gloves got the best of me.

-Rear end another car on my way to Target.... .

-Cry. Because really by this point what else is there to do?


-Arm hurts so bad that its nearly impossible to take a nap. Spend most of the day in the safety of my home inviting the world to come to me in an attempt to remain safe and warm (two birds...)


-Get pulled over on 1-15 for speeding, for the first time in the 5 years and probably 700 times I've driven that route


-Go get x rays of my arm and discover that it is just a severe contusion but have the doctor tell me that it will take "a very long time" to heal and have me wear an awful looking brace and good luck with the pain

-Drop my macbook on the hard kitchen floor


I know, it really sounds too awful to be true. And in way I guess it is. I mean, all of these terrible, no good, awful events have transpired but there has been a silver lining in each of them. For example, the car I rear ended never pulled over...I tried to get them to, but they refused and my car is totally fine. And that ticket I should have got for speeding? The cop let me off on a warning. My macbook is still functioning. And although my arm hurts like crazy and it's taken me 6 times as long to write this post because of that, it isn't shattered or broken.

So I guess what I'm really trying to say is that even though life is really beating me up these last few days, I've been trying to focus on all my little silver linings, my miracles, and because of that I am not broken, or shattered despite life trying its best to make me so.

The silver linings are whats getting me through. Well, that and Diet Coke.


This post can't end without me saying that really I have the dearest and best friends a girl could ask for. Without Mela telling me to just cry Saturday, and my roommates helping me laugh at all of this I would probably be a wreck.

PS Mom and Dad. Just skip the part about rear ending and speeding and remember how great I am. Thanks.


Ashley said...

No. No way. This is not real life! Oh my golly. DC run tonight? LOVE YOU!

Brooke Holt said...

OK cutie. What the what????? You are so cute writing about these tragic events. Plus you are so selfless to not even mention your arm all Sunday when everyone was hanging out! You deserve a whole 24 pack of DC and a kiss on your arm to make it feel better!! Maybe even a kiss on the cheek from a really cute guy ;)