Saturday, April 20, 2013

Final Finals

It would not be finals time if I didn't spend at least an hour or so procrastinating studying in order to blog.

See here here here here here or here 

So, consider me carrying on the tradition.

I just finished my hardest final of the semester. It feels so good to have it over.

And now I only have one final left.


One final final.

And then I'm completely done with college.

And today I thought that was exciting enough to warrant a blog post.

So here is to the stressful study sessions, the late nights, the insane amounts of Diet Coke consumption, the awful eating habits, and the legging/sweatshirt fashion choices that accompany each finals week.

They've been memorable-but I sure won't miss them!


robyne said...

Yay!!!! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see what the future holds for you! I love you tons


Jess said...

This is pretty dang exciting.