Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Karma Revisited

Dad is sick. He had a cough, a runny nose, and body aches. Which is what I had a few weeks ago before it decided to morph into the worst sinus infection/ear infection of my life.
Yea, I know-only kids get ear infections. I guess I am still a kid. I'll continue to order Happy Meals in that case.
This is really sad news for Dad. However he is on the mend... and guess what he started experiencing yesterday?
That's right just like I had. So, I guess all the stressing and worry about what was supposedly stressing me out was needless... it was all viral.
Ha. Take that all of you(ahem.. mom) that spent time trying to convince me I was stressed about things I was not stressed about. I told you an eye twitch was a serious matter. But did you believe me? No, and now my poor father is suffering as well.
Although he told me not to worry about it too. Karma for him maybe?
Either way, I know, having suffered through this tragedy myself that he'll be just fine. Eye twitch cure: 1 hour sleep, 1 hour tv, 1 hour online shopping consecutively and all while laying in bed.
I wish you well Dad :)
(And would just like to suggest that maybe you and Mom take the Public Health major a little more seriously when she talks about health matters)

1 comment:

Shane said...

I stand corrected and my is still twitching.