Monday, November 30, 2009

The Healers Art

I was ready to come home from class and write a lovely satirical blog post about the Daily Universe's report on the Max incident. I even had a perfectly sarcastic/witty/festive title.. "Deck the Hall". Get it. Deck like hit, hall like Maxy. Funny you gotta admit. So, why not write it, give my unbiased opinions, make great points? I have something better to say. Something better to express.

First a little background knowledge is needed. This week I'm going to declare my new major of...(drum roll)... Public Health. I'm taking the epidemiology route and learning all about diseases and epidemics. It makes me more excited than anything right now. The plan is to get a bachelors degree in Public Health than do an accelerated bachelors in nursing. Sounds like a good plan eh?

As I was sitting in my International Relations class today we started discussing the theories and reasons why various countries experience poverty. We talked about how the common population of the world does not have electricity, access to real a real sewer system, rule of law. Let me interject here, because it's my blog and I can, to say something. We are not the common man. Our lives here are anything but what the common man experiences. I have running water, electricity, a higher education, a car, more than enough food, and the comfort of knowing I'm safe. They do not. There is also something else I have that the common man across the world does not-access to medical assistance.

I'm not going to talk about Mr. Obama's health care plan right now. I believe health care is something everyone should have. I also believe it is not something that should be dictated by those who have no idea what goes into it. I do however believe that those blessed enough to have the means, and the education in health care should do all in their power to share it with those less fortunate.

In class we continued to talk about the diseases that are so rampant in these various countries. Diseases that we cure and treat on a daily basis here. Diseases the majority of Americans never even have to worry about. Diseases that have been conquered, that should not be around, especially to the extent that they are. Diseases that fascinate me. Diseases that when diagnosed affect the spirits of so many, diseases that when treated can have the same effect, in an opposite way.

And that was the moment that I decided.
I decided right then and there that I'm going to help people fight these diseases, and hopefully even on an international level.
I'm going to work with the children.
I'm going to cry a lot.
I'm going to pray a lot.
I'm not going to be wealthy, or famous, or a great leader.
I'm going to have my life changed by this desire.
And I'm so excited.


robyne said...

Way to go are amazing and I love you. You have an amazing life ahead of you!!

Jen said...

Awesome Nicole! That sounds like an amazing plan and I know that you'll be great at it! Love you!