Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So, I missed a few days. But not to worry I will make up for them:

November 2nd: I'm grateful for my roommates who happen to be the best roommates EVER! They take care of me when I'm sick, make me laugh, keep me humble by making fun of me and my labyrinthitis, drive me when I'm too lightheaded to function, take notes for me in IR and love me. They are seriously the absolute best. Ever. No contest.
November 3rd: I'm grateful for lame TV. I know, this sounds very pathetic but when you're home sick you end up watching a lot of it. Whether on the television or through my good friend hulu on my laptop it never fails to disappoints. A recent favorite: Gossip Girl. I know I know, you've heard it's horrible and 'very bad for you'. Well, I don't disagree completely but the life these characters live fascinate me and I'm completely head over heels in love with Chuck Bass. I've now officially seen every episode of this show. Let me put out a little disclaimer though: Do NOT start watching this show it is highly addictive. Trust me on this one-I'm looking out for you.

(Don't judge)
November 4th: Today I'm grateful for my mom. I guess sometimes I don't realize just how amazing she is until I'm not around her. I've been missing her a lot lately because I haven't felt well and have wanted to be taken care of. Since shes been unable to make it down and it's probably best for the entire population of Utah if I do not drive that far in my current condition she has initiated many a phone call or skype conversation. And today she is driving all the way down here to pick me up and take me to the doctor. She wins the mom of the year award every year. I love you mom!

2 Days Later: Being with my mom was great the other day. One thing I love about her is that she is so strong, and all of her stories increase my faith and make me want to be a better person. Mom, I don't tell you nearly enough but I love you a lot and hope someday I can be just like you as a mom. After you left I was talking to one of my friends and she asked if I ever fought with you in high school, and I could honestly say we didn't. We've always been friends while still being mother and daughter. I love you so much and I'm so grateful to have you for a mom. :)

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